The Sinister Circle

"Come one, wake up! I don't have enough stamina to carry you like this!"

She has been using this technique for a few seconds yet there was no effect on him!

Then, a few seconds later to be exact. Tornado jolted upwards and bumped her head. In the next second, he fell as she lost control.

"Who in their right mind wakes up like that?" Yura complained as she rubbed her head to ease the pain.

When it comes to this guy, she would often feel the pain that she usually does not. A bump on the head was not enough to make her feel this much pain yet here she was.

"Seriously, what kind of sorcery did you use?" Yura added to which Tornado puzzled.

He only bumped her head, what does it have to do with sorcery? 

Tornado didn't have time to reply to her words as he realized that the crumbling ceiling was catching up.

He grabbed Yura's right hand and then hastened his steps.

"Did you kill it? Why don't you do it earlier?"