The System In Everyone's Head

"Where are we going?" Luo asked. They've been walking in this corridor for half an hour without stopping. Her stamina almost ran out so once in a while, she took a rest.

Nonetheless, when she did. Lycrus went ahead without hesitation. What kind of man leaves behind a girl?

Although he left her behind. He still left some clues so she can catch up with him. It was a glowing footprint. Every step he made, glowing footprints were imprinted.

Which was quite cool. 

At least, he's thoughtful enough to think that. Therefore, she wasn't angry at him that much. 

Additionally, Lycrus deliberately slowed his pace as soon as he left her behind. Obviously, Luo didn't notice this as her mind wandered. Otherwise, her impression of him might increase.

"We can't search him aimlessly. I put a tracking device in his body but the signal is transmitted once every few hours." Lycrus explained.