The Smart Move

Inside the desert, Lycrus calmly assessed the situation. Judging by the shout, it seemed someone is using an ultimate skill on me. Furthermore, it was an ultimate that created another space. Fascinating. He thought to himself as he crouched down and rubbed the soft sand between his fingers.

The sensation was quite real and so was the heat. Rapidly, his body began sweating.

"I assume you're the one who created this space," Lycrus said when he found a figure in the distance. The figure then approached him and as her figure getting closer.

"It's you, I didn't expect you to have a Player ID."

"It's luck," Saya quickly responded, of which Lycrus giggled.

"Can you say the same to those who failed the exam repetitively?"

"What do you care?" She assumed a fighting position. As particles gathered together and condensed to a gun. Instead of doing the same as hers, he sat with his legs crossed.