The Boastful

How will he answer that? He also doesn't know. He frequently thought about these questions but one day, they never appeared again in his mind.

"I don't know," he replied weakly.

"You don't know?"

A surge of anger spread to his body as his face turned dark and his clench firmed tightly.

"Are you messing with me? You're the one who left behind your parents and what's the result? All of this! If only… If only you rely on them..."

The memories began showing up in the original Lycrus mind, it was the time when he went out with his parents to a mall. A quiet kid he was, he rarely replied to his parents.

Once in a while, he nodded and made a 'un' voice. Then, a few minutes later to be exact, this happened.

When they walk, Lycrus noticed a girl in the distance walking in haste steps, one can instantly tell she was in trouble.

Curious, he followed her and left his parents.