Chapter 4: Friendship

Gon asked, "Hey Killua what should we do?" Killua sighed, "I think we got enough skill to compete with some of these people. Sucks that we can't kill though, what about those weirdos?" Killua was pointing at Asta and his team arguing with each other. Gon nodded, "Sounds good, let's go."

Asta argued, "Whaddaya mean don't go in rushing in without a plan. Of course I've got a plan, all I gotta do is win right?" Yuno sighed, "Asta as dumb as ever. Winning is the top priority not the only one. We need a plan." Yami instructed, "Well we better figure out quick because someone is coming, fast."

Noelle stated, "You must still be dreaming because no one is here or coming." Asta looked around carefully as he said, "No I sense it too." It was nothing but silence until Asta swung his huge demon dweller sword causing Killua to be revealed. Killua sidestepped backwards while Luck asked eagerly, "WOW, Asta how'd you do that? He was invisible and then you were like wham and poof he was back." Asta put his giant sword hilt on his shoulder while boasting, "Nothing this sword can't disspell, you picked the wrong fight today kid." Killua grunted as Gon walked beside him while laughing, "Hmm, they found Killua huh? They must be strong then!"

  Asta chuckled, "You betcha weird hair we're strong! Now come on, let's go-!" Noelle smacked Asta before lecturing, "You're not fighting them, we need you for bigger fights. Luck and Magna will take care of them." Asta cried, "But I talked so big, just to get dragged away by my own teammate! It's not fair!"

  Luck's eyes were as big as can be when he asked, "So Magna, which one do you want?" Magna sighed, "I'll take the kid with weird hair, I'm gonna wipe that smirk off his face." Luck pulled out his grimoire from his pouch while laughing, "Then it's settled then!" Lightning crackled around Luck's body then he quickly punched Killua who blocked causing him to slide across the ground. Luck used creation magic to make lightning armor on his hands and feet. Luck then began rapidly began hitting Killua from multiple angles at accelerated speeds. Luck clawed the ground stopping his movement as Killua stood there still in a blocking position. Luck laughed, "What's the matter, that all you've got?"

Killua's hair was covering his eyes as he began laughing, "Lightning attacks have no effect on me so c'mon keep the punches coming." Luck got a crazed look in his eye making Magna sigh, "Oh boy, now you've flicked his switch."

  Luck quickly moved behind Killua going for a twirl kick that was blocked. Killua shouted, "Thunder Palm!" Killua double palmed Luck in his stomach sending him flying with a burst of lightning. Luck tumbled across the ground then he immediately got back up running towards Killua who turned his fingernails into sharp claws on his right hand. Killua and Luck quickly ran past each other at the speed of lightning. They both stopped for a second until suddenly a cut appeared on Killua's cheek, letting blood fall down to his chin. Luck laughed, "Heh heh, I guess you're not as immune to lightning as you thin-." Luck's lightning gauntlets and boots suddenly shattered surprising Luck immensely. Killua swung his yo-yo hitting the defenseless Luck across the stage.

  Killua swung his yo-yos around him while explaining, "He's right, lightning based attacks can still hurt me. But that doesn't mean I'm fazed by it." Gon cheered, "Way to go Killua, huh?"

  Gon dodged a flaming ball in slow motion before looking at Magna who had his flaming bat in his hand. Magna insisted, "Worry about your fight with me kid!"

  Gon switched his attention over to Magna fully when he agreed, "You're right, I apologize." Gon squatted as he held his fist with an open palm, his fist began glowing a bright yellow. Gon shouted, "First comes rock!" The yellow light grew bigger as Gon was surrounded by yellow aura. Gon yelled, "Saisho wa Gū! Jan!!! Ken!! Pā!!!" Gon palmed the air releasing a flaming sphere of Nen directly towards Magna who froze in fear. What am I going to do?! If I block, surely I'll be knocked off no question. But if I try to reflect it with my bat, no time to think now! Magna yelled while preparing to swing his flaming bat, "You throw a fine pitch kid! But I'm gonna send it right back atcha!" Magna swung, hitting the ball of Nen which pushed him backwards progressively. Magna grunted trying extremely hard to send the ball back but it was useless. Gon waved his hand while laughing, "Bye-bye!" Magna screamed as he flew off the stage making Asta gasp, "Luck, Magna! No!" Yami stood up before yawning, "Those two are finally pushing pass their limits, bout time." Magna opened his eyes revealing Luck was holding on to the edge of the stage and was grabbing Magna by his foot.

  Luck laughed, "Aw man, he got you too Magna. Don't worry, I couldn't let myself lose here not until I fight that kid again." Luck lifted Magna onto the stage and rolled onto the stage himself, breathing extremely hard. Magna breathed, "Alright I took my opponent too lightly, this time that won't happen again."

  Killua scoffed, "They're still in, what a bunch of losers." Gon laughed, "At least now we know not to hold back." Killua sighed as he wiped the blood off his cheek, "You got that right, let's go." Gon replied, "Osu!" Killua and Gon ran off leaving Yami to think to himself. This tournament thing might actually be fun if kids that strong are fighting. I'm fired up!

  Yusuke yelled as he threw a punch at Natsu who countered that punch with a flaming fist. Yusuke gut punched Natsu who shouted, "Fire Dragon's Roar!" Nastu roared a stream of fire directly at Yusuke's face sending him flying backwards. Yusuke stomped his foot into the ground stopping him from going any further allowing him to punch the stream of fire away. Yusuke dashed towards Nastu throwing punches so fast Nastu couldn't block any of them. Natsu was hit by a barrage of punches, pushing him back. Yusuke threw another punch that Nastu kicked away as he yelled, "Fire Dragon's Claw!" Fire boosted Nastu's leg up, kicking Yusuke's fist away. Yusuke spun around and punch Nastu with even more force than the first time. Flames engulfed Natsu's fist as he shouted, "Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" Yusuke yelled, "Spirit Punch!" Blue spiritual energy was wrapped around Yusuke's fist as he prepared to clash against Natsu. Their fist collided with each other causing the ground to crack before sinking in. Followed by a shockwave of wind pressure Yusuke and Natsu both flew backwards. Natsu landed on the ground then he looked up to see Yusuke running towards him. What's this guys problem? He won't stop. Yusuke punched Natsu who blocked with his forearm. Yusuke exclaimed, "Hey you going soft on me pal?! Big mistake! Spirit Shotgun!" Yusuke used his free hand to punch several spirit shots into Nastu's stomach. Nastu tumbled as spit flew out his mouth. So strong! Yusuke was still running towards the tumbling Nastu until Gray came down with an ice hammer. Yusuke flipped backwards avoiding Gray's ground breaking attack.

  Gray suggested, "Whoa there man, you're going all out. You need to calm it dow-." Yusuke objected, "Blah blah, enough talk let's go! I haven't even gotten warmed up yet!" Yusuke came charging in causing Gray to sigh, "Have it your way, Ice Make: Prison!" Gray put Yusuke in a cage made of ice as he flipped onto the top of it. A blue light began shining from inside the cage confusing Gray greatly. Yusuke yelled, "Spirit Kick!" Yusuke jumped up and kicked the cage ceiling, shattering it completely. Yusuke prepared to throw a punch at Gray who gasped, "Ice Make: Shield!" A shield of ice appeared between the two of them but that didn't stop Yusuke from punching right through it. Yusuke's fist traveled into Gray's gut, punching him down to the ground. Gray flipped off the ground while chanting, "Ice Make: Floor!" Gray froze the ground in the area he was fighting Yusuke who yelled, "Cut the cheap tricks and fight me!" Yusuke punched the ground as he came down from the air, cracking all the ice. Gray gulped, "Ice Make: Arrows!" Gray used an ice bow to shoot a barrage of ice arrows at Yusuke who was running straight towards them. Yusuke was dodging and punching the arrows while yelling, "Next time you better listen to me, you hear me?! Spirit Shotgun!" Yusuke punched several spirit shots into Gray's stomach sending him tumbling.

  Yusuke sighed, "That wasn't even worth my time, I need someone who can give me a run for my money." Hiei advised, "We should begin eliminating others instead of leaving them on the stage then." Yusuke shrugged his shoulders while agreeing, "I'm down, let the elimination process. Begin."