Chapter 6: No More Holding Back

  Goku and Vegeta were standing next to Toguro as his muscles were flexing all over his body until finally his transformation was complete. Toguro encouraged, "Ah yes, now that my transformation is complete I can show you true power. Come on!" Vegeta lunged at Toguro, throwing a punch which hit Toguro in his face. Toguro smirked before punching Vegeta in his face causing him to do several flips backwards. Goku appeared behind Toguro, kicking him in the back of his neck also having no effect. Toguro elbowed Goku into the air while stating, "You're still too weak to hurt me, try harder!"

  Toguro charged after Vegeta throwing a punch that Vegeta easily dodged. He's still slow, we can use that to our advantage. Toguro's fist hit the stage blasting a hole through the stage making Vegeta gasp in shock.   Toguro lifted his massive arm observing his knuckles while explaining, "Hmm, my powers have improved since I last fought Urameshi. Interesting, I wonder..." Toguro lifted his hand and flicked his fingers sending a bullet of air at Vegeta. Not being able to react, Vegeta was hit in his forehead causing him to be sent flying across the stage. Vegeta grunted as he punched the stage stopping his momentum. Vegeta's eyes opened up wide when he realized more air bullets were being sent his way and fast. Those bullets are moving too fast, they're too small but powerful to blast away. Another hit and I'll be knocked off! Dammit!" Vegeta grunted as he closed his eyes but when he opened them he was in front of Toguro. How the hell?! Vegeta turned to his side revealing Hit to be standing right beside him.

  Goku laughed, "Yo Hit, nice save! Beat me to it." Vegeta stood up while grumbling, "T-thank you. I owe you one."

  Hit scorned, "Pay me back by defeating this freak." Vegeta nodded his head before yelling as he powered up releasing lots of blue aura, "No more games you big muscle boned freak! Let's go!"

  Vegeta punched Toguro in his face before beginning a rapid assault of punches. Toguro proceeded to uppercut Vegeta who dodged his fist and kicked Toguro in his stomach. Goku began punching Toguro in his back making Toguro sigh, "Pathetic." Toguro back kicked Goku before grabbing Vegeta by his neck, strangling him out of breath. Vegeta punched and kicked Toguro weaker and weaker each time, slowly running out of energy to fight back.

  Toguro lectured, "This is why you will lose, your pride. You have forgotten your will to fight or even live at this point. I will ease your pain." Vegeta groaned as he powered down to base form, no longer throwing weak punches. Dammit, I thought I had gotten stronger. But it seems I'm still behind, behind? No! No longer will I sit in the shadows of Kakarot!Vegeta exclaimed, "I am a Saiyan Prince who yields to no one! Arghhhhhh!" Vegeta screamed as his body emitted a blazing heat wave releasing him from the grip of Toguro. Vegeta's hair turned red and so were his eyes when he opened them causing his fiery aura to erupt like a volcano. Toguro looked confused until heard Goku yelling from behind him, "Ka-me-hame. . . DO IT NOW VEGETA!"

  Toguro snapped his head back at Vegeta who had already prepared a huge fiery Big Bang Attack. Toguro leaped backwards but Vegeta insisted, "It's too late you freak! Haaa!" Vegeta pushed the firey ball of destruction at Toguro who grunted as he was hit by this huge attack. Toguro wrapped his massive arms around the ball of fire and stuck his legs deeper into the stage. Goku gasped, "No way, he's holding off Vegeta's Big Bang Attack in Super Saiyan God Mode. He's super strong!"

  Toguro grunted, "Urameshi's Spirit Balls were stronger this pitiful attack!" Toguro tossed the Big Bang Attack up into the air where it exploded, bursting into flames. Toguro ripped his burnt shirt off while instructing, "Giving you 80% was a mistake. You're not worth it." Vegeta was grunting angrily when suddenly Nommu tackled him away. Toguro sighed, "I have no time for such games." Goku powered back down to base form and fell to his knee while laughing, "You're super strong, even my Supet Saiyan Blue mixed with Kaio-Ken x 20 is having no effect on you. And you haven't even broke a sweat." Toguro explained, "My power doesn't take that much energy, unlike your silly hair dying techniques. That is your flaw, Goku-San."

  Goku chuckled, "I guess you're right. Aw man, I really messed this up." Gohan could be heard screaming as he flew towards Goku, "Dad! Don't worry I'm here!" Gohan dropped next to Goku who laughed, "Gohan! Boy am I glad to see someone not trying to knock my block off." Gohan sighed, "I expected this but not to this degree. Me and Hit devised a plan but this Toguro guy needs to be weakened in order for it to work." Goku grunted, "Don't worry I can still fight against hi-, oww owww!" Gohan explained, "No Dad, you used Super Saiyan Blue with Kaio-Ken times 20 for too long. Your body needs rest, that's why I brought Android 17 and 18 to assist you."

  Android 17 helped Goku up while insisting, "I got your back Goku." Android 18 sassed, "His muscles are revaulting. Disgusting." Goku asked, "Gohan, are you sure you can handle this guy?" Gohan replied, "You've been in plenty of fights already Dad so you were tired, that's why your attacks had little to no effect. I haven't fought yet so I should at least be able to damage him just a little." Goku nodded before running off with 17 and 18. Gohan was smiling until Toguro suggested, "You put yourself in a danger situation boy, you do know that right?" Gohan mimicked Goku's fighting stance as he responded, "I've already been in a tournament like this, I know the risk better than you. But I'm willing to do what I have to do in order to win this tournament. And if beating you is in the way of victory than I have to overcome this obstacle!" Gohan caught white aura before boosting off towards Toguro who's shades reflected Gohan's fist.

Jiren was standing with his eyes closed and arms crossed while Saitama asked, "Hey you, uh I forgot your name. Jiken, Jiran, Jir-." Jiren interrupted, "It's Jiren. Jiren the Gray, what do you want?" Saitama smirked, "I wanna fight, so  you wanna go?" Jiren answered, "I don't fight jokes." Saitama laughed, "Well let me show you what this joke can do!"