Chapter 24: Two on Two

  Deku, Shoto and Bakugou were all panting behind a huge piece of rubble as the battle raged on. Shoto breathes heavily as he noted, "Those two were formidable opponents, anymore fighting and we'd be dead meat." Bakugou grumbled, "Not me, you guys were the ones who decided to run away like cowards." Deku objected, "But Kaachan, you were the one who got injured. So you should be the las-." Bakugou grabbed Deku by his chest while interrupting, "Shut up, I was fine! I didn't need your help." Bakugou stared Deku straight in his eyes when suddenly Shoto gasped, "Look out!" Shoto stomped on the stage creating an ice wall which was penetrated by a number of chains. The chains wrapped around Shoto making Deku gasp when Kurapika appeared.

  Deku shouted, "What are you doing?!" Kurapika answered, "I'm making an agreement, these chains have the power to squeeze the life out of your friend there. So I advise you to listen to my demands." Deku grunted as he watched Shoto struggle, "Fine, what are your demands?" Kurapika replied, "My demands are simple, I want you and your friend to fight Gon and Killua at full power. This is a tournament to decide who's the stronger, eliminations are key to success. When I heard they let you three go, I was disappointed. If you hold back even one percent of your power I won't hesitate to hurt your friend. So you've heard my demands, go."

  Killua appeared from cloud of Nen directly next to Bakugou who grunted in response. Killua thrusted his claw like hands forward attempting to stab Bakugou who dodged with a smile on his face. Bakugou leaped back but Killua was persistent as he lunged forward. Killua performed a roundhouse kick that Bakugou blocked with both his arms. Killua spun around kicking Bakugou in his neck. Bakugou grunted as he grabbed Killua's leg, preparing to toss him far away. Killua twisted around displaying great leg strength, kicking Bakugou straight in his face. Bakugou was shocked causing him to begin shooting explosions at Killua who sparked with lightning as he dodged each one. Killua appeared in front of Bakugou who gasped at the sights of such speed. Killua punched Bakugou clean in his gut causing him to cough up blood. Bakugou tumbled across the stage but Killua was not letting up. Killua kicked Bakugou up into the air before holding up his arm. Killua shot a bolt of lightning towards Bakugou who yelled, "No, not yet!" Bakugou blasted explosions from his palms quickly avoiding the bolt. While Bakugou was in midair Killua appeared above him while insisting, "It's okay, I was just too fast for you." Killua palmed Bakugou's back, shocking him with several bolts of lightning. Bakugou collasped onto the stage where he groaned in pain as his body continued to spark up. Bakugou grunted, "N-no, I was supposed to win this tournament! All me, just me! I don't want to lose!" Killua landed in front of Bakugou while sighing, "All of us do, but not all will win. There can only be one winner and that will be us. Sorry for the harsh reality." Killua pulled out his handy pair of yo-yos making Bakugou scream, "DAMMIT!" Killua swung both of his extremely heavy yo-yos into Bakugou's back shattering the stage. Bakugou coughed up blood as he fell into the darkness unconscious.

  Bakugou landed in the bleachers where All Might chuckled, "You did well young Bakugou, that kid was beyond your skill level. And you had been in plenty of other battles before that one. Young Midoriya is their next target, then Shoto." Endeavor gasped, "Damn, that's three fighters down on our team. C'mon Shoto! Don't let them eliminate you!"

  Deku gasped as Killua leaped away from the hole he created. They got Kaachan, and it all happened so fast. They have Shoto held hostage by that girl. What should I do?! Deku turned around revealing Gon preparing a powerful kick. Green lightning crackled around Deku allowing him to quickly avoid the kick. As soon as Gon's foot landing on the stage he pivoted his body extremely fast. Gon punched Deku who blocked by crossing his arms in desperation. The impact of the punch was enough to push Deku back but Gon wasn't done yet. Gon lunged forward throwing a barrage a punches. He's fighting just like the guy who eliminated Bakugou, he's not letting me recover. Deku's eyes widened when he heard Shoto groaning out in pain as Kurapika insisted, "Your friend didn't seem to understand so maybe you will. Don't hold back or your friend will suffer at the hands of my chains. Do you understand now?" Deku shouted angrily, "YES!"

  Gon gasped when suddenly One for All began flowing through Deku's body. I'll use 20% of One for All! Deku grunted as he fired a kick directly into Gon's chest pushing him back far away. Gon has used Gyo to absorb the hit but he was still surprised by this sudden increase of power. Deku yelled, "Delaware Smash!" Deku flicked one of his fingers releasing a powerful gust of wind which knocked Gon off his feet into the air. Deku axe kicked the ground cracking the stage sending pieces into the air. Deku began darting off of the rubble in order to kick Gon down to the stage. Gon jumped out of the way of Deku's stomp which cracked the stage. Deku appeared behind Gon performing a kick that Gon ducked underneath. Deku spun around while shouting, "St. Louis Smash!" Deku delivered a nasty roundhouse kick which sent Gon flying. Deku landed on the ground where Killua appeared in front of him. Him too?! Deku did a backflip kick which Killua leaped away from, avoiding contact. Deku slid across the stage then he abruptly fell on one knee. The green sparks around his body were dying and Deku was breathing heavily. Oh no, I've gone past my limit. This isn't good at all! Killua could be heard yelling, "Thunderbolt!" Killua palmed Deku with a bolt of lightning shocking Deku intensely. Deku's pupils disappeared as his body continued to shake as his costume was being ripped apart. Killua snatched his hand away causing Deku's smoking body to slowly fall backwards. Killua sighed, "You were stronger than your friend but you obviously have some stuff to improve. Goodbye." Killua disappeared revealing Gon running with a glowing fist. Gon shouted, "First comes rock! Rock, Paper. . .!" Deku's eyes lit up when he whispered as his body was about to collapse, "One for All. . ." One For All began flowing throughout Deku's body along with a lot of green sparks around his body. Deku swung his arm colliding his punch with Gon's. Gon was overwhelmed causing his Jajanken to deactivate. Deku swung his other arm while screaming, "ONE MILLION PERCENT! DELAWARE, DETROIT SMASH!"

  Deku through a punch that made Gon shiver in fear because the first punch through him off balance. OH NO! Suddenly a gigantic golden hand swatted Deku far away causing him to fall into the darkness. Gon tripped making him fall as sweat dripped down his face. Gon felt a hand touch his head followed by the voice of Netero who chuckled, "That boy was just like you Gon, he had a will inside his heart that was filled with determination. Determination not to lose until he gave it his very all. Never forget that boy, Gon." Gon nodded his head before stammering, "Osu!"

  Deku collasped into the stands where All Might chuckled, "Just as I said, next is Shoto. Prepare yourself Endeavor." Endeavor was tightly gripping the wall of the bleachers while grinding his teeth in anger.

  Shoto's hair was covering his eyes as he was now surrounded by Kurapika, Gon, Killua and Netero. Kurapika explained, "These chains could hold down Uvogin a man far stronger than you'll ever be. So breaking free should be the last thing could be thinking about." Netero explained, "Surrender peacefully and you won't get hurt." Shoto lifted his head igniting the flames and ice around his body. Kurapika grunted as he tossed Shoto off the stage into the darkness. Killua sighed, "He really thought he could take all of us on, he's crazy." Netero corrected Killua by stated, "That's not it, he knew he couldn't take us all on. He just wanted us to know that surrendering was the last thing on his mind and if he could he would have chosen death." Killua looked interested as he looked around. If this was a fight to death, victory would be assured.

  Shoto appeared in the bleachers where he apologized, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have let myself get captured." Endeavor chuckled, "Don't worry about it, you lasted longer than me and your teacher. You should be proud." Shoto looked up surprised as he thought to himself. Praise from him, this tournament is making everyone act weird.

*Hey you loyal readers, awesome chapter if you ask me. I just want to remind you that Deku and Bakugou have been in hella fights already so I don't want to hear why'd it end so quick. Besides after doing so research I believe Gon and Killua can beat Deku and Bakugou full health and everything. Anyways, I think I'm getting my mojo back. Let's see if I can keep it up. Make sure you vote and comment who you wanna see fight. Peace ✌️ *