Chapter 27: Magic

  Bolts of lightning and electricity were sparking all over the place. These trails were caused by Luck following Killua with a crazed look in his eyes. Dammit, if killing was allowing I would've ended him by now. I need an alternative! Killua gasped when he finally saw an opportunity he'd gladly take. Killua stopped running causing him to slide across the stage. Luck cackled, "Finally, you've decided to fight me! Now I can avenge Magna!" Luck spirited towards Killua when suddenly Hisoka could be heard chuckling. Luck was suddenly snatched away by Hisoka's Bungee Gum. Luck was slammed into the stage causing him to cough up spit. Hisoka walked towards Luck while laughing, "Heh, heh. What a shame, a young man like yourself participating in a dangerous fight such as this one." Luck stood up groggily causing Hisoka to punch him in his stomach. Luck's pupils disappeared as he collasped on the stage while Hisoka laughed, "Stay down, I'll end your suffering." Hisoka used his Bungee Gum to toss Luck off the stage causing him to fall into the darkness.

  Luck fell in the bleachers where Magna sighed, "Aw man, they got you too huh Luck? Well we still have Captain Yami and Asta so there's no way we can lose!" Noelle remarked worriedly, "I hope you're right."

  Hisoka was stretching his arms when suddenly Merlin could be heard mentioning, "I've been observing several fighters throughout this tournament but you seem to be the rarest." Hisoka chuckled, "Oh, I'm rare. Please explain, I'd love to know." Merlin explained, "Well you see, it's seems that you have only been going for younger fighters. That kind of concerns me, which is why I'll send you to the stands." Hisoka was smiling extremely hard as he began surrounding himself with pink aura.

Merlin chuckled, "Magic Cancel." Hisoka's aura suddenly vanished making him softly gasp in shock. Hisoka observed his body while remarking, "Hmm, not only did you dispell my Nen but you released my Bungee Gum. I'm starting to take interest in you, heh heh." Merlin laughed, "I wouldn't get too comfortable because I'm going to be the one who eliminates you." Hisoka reached in his pockets, pulling a handful of cards making Merlin confused. Hisoka asked, "Do you like card games?" Merlin when suddenly Hisoka threw a card at her at high speeds. The card which was infused with Nen skimmed Merlin's cheek. Bliod spilled onto the stage making Merlin wipe the blood from her cheek.

  Escanor gasped while in his normal form, "Lady Merlin, are you okay?!" Merlin replied, "I'm fine, I just didn't expect that card to travel so fast. At least now I know how to defeat him." Hisoka laughed, "Is that so?" Hisoka readied another card while a fireball was summoned in Merlin's hand. Merlin tossed the fireball towards Hisoka who quickly backstepped away. When the fireball made contact with the stage suddenly causing ice to appear, freezing Hisoka's leg to the stage. Merlin summoned a few chunks of ice before sending them towards Hisoka. Hmm, I don't get it. Why would the fire turn to ice. Hisoka threw several cards at the ice which bursted into flames, the heat wave blew Hisoka away. Merlin explained, "Hmm, so have you figured it out yet? Allow me to explain, I call it Fake Ball. I combination made from attack magic and illusion magic." Merlin summoned two balls of magic in his right hand and fire & ice and her left. Merlin places the fire and ice in separate balls of magic. Merlin spun around creating multiple shards of ice and fireballs while laughing, "I've just been dying to try it out." Merlin sent all the shards of ice and fireballs at Hisoka who chuckled, "Bungee Gum." Hisoka stretched out some of his Bungee Gum catching everything coming at him. Have some of your own medicine. Hisoka reflected the attack at Merlin who chuckled, "Absolute Cancel." The shards of ice and fireballs disappeared making Hisoka frown. Merlin began summoning several balls of the four main elements, fire, water, wind and earth. Hisoka grunted as he began running away while thinking to himself. If killing was allowed, this would be so much easier. I truly do dislike mages. Merlin watched as Hisoka retreated away while sighing, "Hmm, I knew he couldn't win but I didn't think he'd surrender. Well what am I supposed with all these?" Merlin looked around before spotting a target. Merlin swiped her hand across the air sending all her orbs of magic at Netero's Buddha statue. Her attack did little to no damage making her frown before flying away.

  Goku asked, "So Jiren, what's your plan?" Jiren answered, "That giant golden statue is attacking multiple people at a time, if we could get it to focus on one person. Then the rest of you could eliminate the old man controlling the statue." Vegeta chuckled, "And who would be insane enough to fight that thing alone? You'd have to be an idiot to go through with it." Goku was already flying downwards making Vegeta gasp before chuckling, "Hmph, I should've known. Only a clown like his self would attack that thing alone."

  Goku was yelling as he sprayed ki blast towards the Buddha statue, not effecting it in the slightest. Goku had his arm cocked when suddenly a golden palm almost hit him. Goku dodged the hand before landing on the stage, performing several backflips. Goku landed on his feet while laughing, "Yo old guy, you're giant golden dude is kinda in the way of this tournament." Netero chuckled, "Ah, Goku. I was waiting for you to show up. After watching you fight in the tournament I couldn't help but study your movements. After a long series of studying I figured out that I could beat you, if it was a fight to the death." Goku frowned as Netero chuckled, "Even if this isn't a battle to the death, I can still defeat you." Goku laughed as he got into his fighting stance, "Prove it." Goku and Netero smiled as they were about to battle.

*Hey you loyal readers, if you read my post on my message board you'd know School was doing me wrong. There was so much work, projects and etc. I had to cut this fight short because I honestly don't fell like doing Netero's research right now. I'll probably post the next chapter tomorrow and then another on Sunday. Um like real talk so you guys think Netero could kill Goku? Tell me what ya think in the comments and don't forget to vote & comment who you wanna see fight. Until then*