
Just then, her friend came along with some drinks and said, " Arora, I have been calling you. But you didn't hear me. What do you want to eat? "

What a perfect timing. It indeed is perfect.

Jason heard her and said, " What a lovely name. Arora.... "

Hearing him call her name, not knowing what to do, she hid her face in her hands.

By watching all the mess going on, her friend Nisha asked, " Arora who are they? Do you know them ? "

She just glared at him and said, " Some pervert "

Jason was so shocked even to utter a word, " per...pervert "

She sure is the first person who ever called him pervert.

Even Nathan was surprised by her sudden attack. He stepped up and said, " Did you ever see a pervert who is so handsome. How can you say that "

Arora thought, she couldn't handle it any longer and busted, " Who the hell are you "

Nathan said with confidence, " Miss Arora, you might have got it wrong. He's a handsome boy, who wants to pursue you. and I'm his super handsome friend, who came to help him. "

She thought, if she stays there any longer, she might go crazy. So, she got up and decided to leave. But then Nisha stopped her, " You said you were dizzy. You should eat something first. "

Jason said worried, " What, do you want me to send you to the hospital. It's better if you get a checkup "

Nisha just smiled and said, " It's not that serious. No need for a hospital. She was awake all night and was in the library all morning. " she then turned to Arora and said in a caring tone, " I told you many times, not to talk in phone all night. You never listen to me. Now see what happened "

Hearing that, Nathan and Jason saw each other's face and wondered who would it might be.

Aaron thought this is her chance and said sarcastically, " Who do you think it is. Of course it's my boyfriend. So don't waste your time on me. "

Jason was baffled hearing her say that she has a boyfriend. It's like a bolt out of the blue. He couldn't believe her.

He said, " How can I believe that you have a boyfriend. What if you are lying. "

Arora said in a firm tone, " Do you want to meet him "

He said confidently, " Of course. But not now. I really think, its fate, that made us meet again. So if we are really destined, we surely will meet again. If you still have a boyfriend then, I'll meet him. I'll will make him leave you and also make you fall for me. "

He winked at her and left the place along with Nathan. Leaving her in awe.

Nisha said surprisingly, " When did you get a boyfriend. "

Arora sighed and said, " I think, I should get one now "

On the other hand, Nathan who was dragged out by Jason stopped him and said, "Are you out of your mind. How can you make a challenge out of nowhere. And you missed her contact again. "

Jason said dispirited, " Then what should I do. Moreover she said, she had a boyfriend. What am I supposed to do "

" I'm sure she doesn't have one. She's just putting up a story for you "

" Whatever, if we really are destined, we will meet for sure. Then I won't let her leave me again. "

" What if you don't meet her. You really are going to quit like this "

" Not at all, her friend said, she was in the library all morning. Maybe their college is nearby. Moreover she said she wanted to exhibit her mother's art. So she must be a designing student. It's really easy to find her now. "

Nathan winked at him and said, " My boy has finally grown up. I'm so proud of you. Come let's go celebrate this by having a feast for lunch. "

" Ok. Your treat "

" Ok my treat. What.. my treat.. but why is it my treat. It should be yours "

" Because I'm depressed. "

" Oh Ho, when will you quit being a child "


... to be continued ...