Unwanted Job

" WHAT !!! You want me to work in Avelon Group. Why should I ? When I have my own company. " Eric cried out when he heard that his grandfather Richard Graner found him a job in Avelon Group.

Eric's father Zachary Parker rebuked, " your company... don't make me laugh. Who said, it's yours. EVERGREEN is my life time's work. You are not worthy of it. If you really want it to be yours, then prove that you are worthy. "

" Later, it's gonna be mine anyways. Why should I prove ? "

" In your dreams. I will never hand over my company to someone who is unreasonable and irresponsible like you. If I really have to, then I will give it to my future son-in-law. "

Eric said fiercely, " you want your only son to work for others. I already listened to you and worked in the company. It's you who is not satisfied with my work. "

Zachary Parker ridiculed, " What, you call that work. Always flirting with girls and leaving the work given to you. I already faced many losses because of you. I won't let that happen ever again " He continued, " this is your last chance. If you even lost this one, then I'm gonna kick you out of my house and freeze your cards. You will be penniless, starving in the streets. You know, I would do what I said "

Saying that he went out, to the company.

Eric Parker, who couldn't control his anger anymore, smashed the things on the table in front of him.

His mother Samara Graner, tried to calm him.

He laughed sinisterly, " What's so great about having your own company, when you even won't allow your only son to have it "

Fiona, who sat in the couch and watched everything, finally said, " I think it's gonna be mine in the future. Thanks to you, I'm gonna have my own company " saying that, she went back into her room.

Hearing that, Eric was even more angrier and tried to shout at her. But she already left.

His mother said helplessly, " Your father is serious this time. You should take this job and try to prove that you can handle the company. Only then, will your father listen to you."

" Who the hell are they anyway. How did that old man get this job. " Eric was boiling with anger.

" That company's chairman is your grandfather's friend. And his granddaughter is the CEO, whom you will be working under. "

Eric was surprised, " What, a company managed by a woman. Interesting "

Saying that, he got up, said his mother that he would think about it and went out.


Later that night, Eric Parker went to HANGOVER, a club where he hangouts regularly and called Kevin Graner.

" You said, you have something important to tell me. " said Kevin who just arrived.

Eric took a sip of wine and said passively, " Yhaa, a lot. have a drink first. " and handed him a glass.

Kevin rejected him saying, " No, I have a meeting tomorrow. " and then continued, " is something wrong ? You sound different from your usual self. It's not like you " Kevin was surprised by his behaviour.

Eric asked rather seriously, " Kevin, do you know Avelon Group "

Kevin was stunned by his question, he wondered how did he know about his meeting with Aaron Avelon.

" I know. But... why "

... to be continued ...