The next day, Jason Graner and Nathan Wyatt has already moved into their new house. It's a double bedroom flat with a little furniture, which is near to their office and also to Funsters where they met Arora the other day.

Nathan said lazily, " What are we gonna do today? "

" What else, let's head to the company first ", said Jason.

" Ok. but then, we have to name the company right. what about DREAM LAND "

Jason jeered him, " are you naming an amusement park or something "

Just then Nathan's eyes were lit up, as if he got an idea. " how's TWILIGHT "

Jason who was thinking hard said, " hmm, it's nice. but... how about STARLITE "

Nathan said cheerfully, " I'm ok with any of them. I like both. "

" Then let's go with STARLITE. I think that suits better. Just like a star which guides a traveler, let's also guide our customers. "

" Sounds good " Nathan gave a thumbs up.

And they headed to their newly established company STARTLITE. It's an architecture based designing company, as both Jason and Nathan are architecture graduates from a famous university in the states. Their work is to design the blueprint for the constructions and also plan the interior designing.

Even though they are just beginners without much experience. They invested quite a large sum of capital for the company. It's a well designed building with lavish furniture. Even the interior design is different and attractive. One can acknowledge their ability and capability just by a glace around the office.

Jason Graner is the president of STARLITE, where as Nathan Wyatt is the vice president. they also hired, some other employees. And just after a few days of opening, they got their first project, to design a small flower shop.


" Arora, Nisha said that she had some extra classes. Let's head back to dorms first " Ivy said to Arora after the class.

Arora said joyfully, " ok. But how about having a stroll "

" sure "

They both strolled along the road which is filled with the blossoms of cherry trees. The spring has already come and the flowers are blooming. Just the sight of it can make one sentimental.

Arora asked Ivy in a hushed tone, " do you believe in fate? "

" What? " Ivy was rather surprised.

" well, I mean... you see... uhm... there are things like fate and destiny. Do you believe in them " Arora said in a low voice.

" why do you ask ? " Ivy wondered what is she trying to say.

" uhm.. uh.. nothing. I'm just wondering if those kind of things really do exist "

Just when Ivy was about to speak, Arora exclaimed " wow, wonderful. Don't you think its really pretty " pointing to a pendant on the display of a jewellery shop.

Ivy saw the pendent and said, " it really is nice. Do you want to have a look. "

" No. I'm just impressed by the unique design. Isn't it really fascinating. How can one think of designing a rose in a cage. It's clearly symbolizing unrequited love. A unique way of expressing it. When will I ever design something like this. "

When she was speaking, Ivy saw a spark in her eyes. A passion for designing.

Ivy said in a low voice, " you really are passionate. I envy you. You are chasing your own dreams. While some do not even have a dream."

Listening to her heavy voice, Arora turned her gaze towards Ivy and saw dejection in her face.

Arora asked worriedly, " is something wrong? "

... to be continued ...