Another Meet


Aaron was busy preparing for a meeting. Just then her grandfather called her.

" Ha grandpa, is something the matter ? " said Aaron picking up the phone.

" I arranged a meeting with Kevin Graner in the afternoon. Go and meet him. "

" What !! are you kidding me. I have an important business deal later. And also, didn't I already told you, I don't want to meet him anymore. " said Aaron who was frustrated.

Her grandfather said adamantly, " I don't care how important the deal is. Just postpone it to another day. You should meet him today at any cost. He's already on his way there. So get started already. "

" but grandpa.." even before she could speak another word the call was already disconnected.

She thought, she couldn't escape from these blind dates anymore, if she continue rejecting them. So she decided to face bravely and end it for good.

*** //

Just when Aaron was thinking of what to do, Kevin entered.

He sat in the chair across the table and said apologetically, " I'm sorry Miss Avelon, there was a heavy traffic jam. It took me ages to get out of it. "

Aaron didn't know how to respond as he showed up abruptly when she was in a deep thought. She just smiled and said, " it's ok "

There was not a single word spoken. Only silence filled the air. They both have the same words running through their minds. But none of them could express it.

Finally, " uh.. " they both spoke at the same time.

" you can speak first " Kevin said politely.

" No. You go first Mr. Graner " she too rejected him politely.

" I'm sorry, I came unannounced. I tried to pull it off, but my grandfather was really stubborn. "

" uh.. you don't need to be so polite. The same goes here as well. " she said with a faint smile.

Again there's pin drop silence. They couldn't speak to each other.

But this time around Aaron broke the silence first. She thought it's not like her to act this way. She has always been straight forward.

She took a deep breath and said firmly, " I think our elders are pushing us a way too fast. How about we take it slow. We don't even know each other properly "

Kevin didn't expect her to be so frank, " actually, I'm here to confess to you something. " Kevin decided to tell her about Fiona.

Just when he was about to say something, Aaron interrupted him, " I know you have someone in your heart. I already guessed it. "

Kevin was utterly speechless. How come everyone knows about his feelings. Does he show it that obviously. But he was thankful this time. He doesn't need to explain it.

He said calmly, " I'm sorry Miss Avelon. You have to go through this because of me. I already tried to convince my grandfather, but he wouldn't listen to me. "

" You don't need to worry about it anymore. Even I'm not interested in this business anyway "

Kevin relaxed a bit, " Thank God, I'm relieved now. I thought, I would affect you. " and smiled for the first time since they met.

" well, you don't need to worry... " Aaron was cut by the call received by Kevin.

Kevin said, " Just a second " and picked up the call.

... to be continued ...