A New Friendship

Jason took Aaron to nearby hospital. As she looked weak, the doctor gave her a drip and said that they can leave after completing it.

When He saw her struggling with her phone, as she has wounds on one hand and a drip on the other, he volunteered to call for her.

" shall I call your dad ? " he asked Aaron.

She blurted out quickly, " please don't. "

Jason was surprised by her sudden reaction, " Ah !! "

" sorry to startle you. But if you call my family, they will definitely think something big happened and would worry about me. "

He understood her meaning and said, " then should I call your secretary "

" she has a meeting right now. She won't be able to pick up the call. If you don't mind, please call my brother " she said with a calm voice.

Jason then called her twin brother Aayon Avelon.


" ha ! I heard, you established your own company. Congrats. You really are something " said Aaron with a broad smile.

Jason smiled back and said, " well, it worked out somehow "

While Aaron was on drip and Jason sat in the chair beside her.

Aaron hesitated for a bit and finally said, " you don't need to wait. My brother will soon be here. You might have been busy. I don't want to be a nuisance to you anymore. "

" not at all. I'll leave once your brother arrives. "

" uh.. once again thank you so much. I don't know what would have happened if it is not for you. I couldn't even imagine."

Jason smiled and said, " you don't have to thank me these many times. But you seemed out of it back then. Is something bothering you. If it is something, I can help you with, please feel free to say it. We are acquaintance already. And our grandfathers are close friends. We can be friends too. "

She thought he sure is different from his brother. She felt comfortable around him. May be because they are of same age.

" its nothing much. I went there to meet your brother "

Jason was surprised, " brother, you mean Kevin "

Aaron nodded her head, " ah haa "

" so, you must be having a business deal. "

" not really, we are there for a blind date. " said Aaron relaxed.

" what ! Blind... blind date. Did Kevin really come " Jason was truly stunned.

Aaron ridiculed, " why. Am I not good enough for your brother "

Jason stuttered, " sorry. I didn't mean it that way. Well.. you know.. "

Aaron interrupted him saying, " well, I already know that your brother has someone else "

He was even more surprised now, " did he already told you about Fiona "

Aaron finally understood and said nonchalantly, " so its her, who called him. "

Jason couldn't understand and just stared at her speechless.

Aaron chuckled and said, " don't be so surprised. Your brother didn't tell me. But I already guessed it. I'm quick witted, aren't I ? "

" you really are. But where did my brother go? You came out alone from the cafe. "

" your brother stood me up and went out, after that girl called him. " she said calmly.

Jason didn't know how to respond, " ah.. I'm sorry for what my brother did. It might have been urgent. He generally wouldn't do that. "

" you don't have to apologise. I just shared what happened, so that I would have a person to listen to me. But you shouldn't let anyone know about this. You should keep this a secret, ok. After all it's embarrassing to let others know that I was left back behind " saying that Aaron smiled cheerfully.

Jason laughed. How can she be so positive. She is so different from what the rumours said. She seemed like a cheerful person.

" I promise you. It's a secret between us. Since you told your secret to me, let me share one with you. Actually my brother's love is one sided. He didn't have the courage to express it. So you don't have to feel so bad about it. He didn't come to meet you, while already being in a relationship. "

" whaa... I didn't expect you to tell me that. After all he's your brother "

Jason smiled and said, " well, it's a known fact to everyone. I think, its enough for us to become friends now "

" do you think so "

They both laughed cheerfully.

Just then the door opened. And someone entered the room.


... to be continued ...