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" Arora said that she went to home and wouldn't come today " Ivy said to Nisha, who just received a call from Arora.

Nisha said, " then, let's go, grab something to eat ourselves. "

They both went to FUNSTERS and ordered lunch.

Nisha remembered something and said, " right ! I heard from Arora that you are the heiress of STYLISH STRANDS"

Ivy was embarrassed, " well... yhaa.. "

Nisha exclaimed, " whaa... how come both my best friends are heiresses of rich families from three generations. How did a common person like me get to know you guys ! "

" yhaa, I was surprised too, when Arora said that she is one of the Avelons. How come she's so simple. All these years, I thought that no one can be more simplistic than me. But, now I changed my opinion, no one can beat Arora in simplicity. "

Nisha agreed," hm, she's just like a girl from our neighbourhood. "

Right. Even though, Arora is a member of Avelon family, she never exposed it to others. Only people who are close to her knows her identity. She always wanted to be normal just like any other girl. She want to achieve everything and become successful on her own without her family's support. She always wanted others to treat her normally, not just because of her family status.


Arora Avelon and Aaron Avelon went back to their home.

It is a three storied building with a large garden in front which is connected to the swimming pool on the side. It looks exactly like a resort with a beautiful scenery. It is a joint family of three couples and their children which is filled with lots of smiles and memories. Even in this day and generation, they live together happily without any disputes.

It has a spacious living room with Italian marble and a lavish furniture. It is connected to the kitchen, dining room, master bedroom and grandpa's study. The stairs in the centre of the hall leads to the second floor where there are two bedrooms and a guest room. In the same way, the third floor consists three bedrooms, for their three grandchildren. The third floor has stairs in the corner, which leads to the penthouse where they hangout frequently. Just like the house, the people living here also has a big heart.

Just when they went inside, they met their grandfather who was in the living room. He saw Aaron limping and came to her worried.

He was panicked at the sight of her, " what happened to you ? why are you injured ? And Arora, what's with your clothes ? "

When Arora was about to say something, Aaron held her hand and pressed it signalling her to stop. Then she said, " grandpa it's nothing serious. I just fell down from the stairs. "

... to be continued ...