
James Graner replied, " it's about the EVERGREEN's project. Your father is not at all responding. We should quickly sign the project agreement and allocate them the proposed budget. Otherwise it might even go bankrupt. "

Kevin was surprised, " is it really that bad. I thought, it was facing some minor issues. "

" of course, if we can act quick, the damage can be minimized. But, I don't know what brother was thinking "

Listening to that, Kevin went to deep thoughts and was soon interrupted by James Graner, " don't worry, we will sure find a way to help them. Go, continue what you were doing earlier. " saying that he patted on his shoulder.

Kevin nodded and went back to his room, soon followed by James Graner to his own.


Later that night, James Graner went to home after work. And aunt Miranda said that Susan Ryder went to visit Jason Graner.

He got freshen up and laid down on his bed thinking deep. He even didn't notice Susan Ryder, who came back a while ago.

She then interrupted him, " what were you thinking about, you didn't even notice me coming "

He smiled at her warmly and said, " nothing. I heard you went to Jason "

" yhaa, It's been a while since I last saw him. So, I cooked him his favourite dishes and delivered. " she then continued, " and also the shop that Jason designed is soon going to open. "

He said, " he can now stand on his own feet. I'm so proud of him. "

Even though, he said those words, she could observe his distracted mind.

She went and sat before him and asked, " what happened? Why are so distracted today? "

" nothing. I'm just tired "

She deepened her gaze towards him and said, " it's impossible for you to hide your emotions before me. Now tell me what happened "

James Graner hesitated for a bit and explained what happened earlier in the day.

Susan Ryder was shocked on hearing that, " wh... what, are they really going to bankrupt "

He massaged his temple and said, " we can avoid it if we act quick. But I can't understand what my brother was thinking. I'm afraid what he was planning this time. He would do anything for what he wants "

Hearing that she went silent and didn't speak a word.

Seeing her dejected, he took her arms in his hands and asked, " do you still feel uncomfortable around him? "

She smiled faintly and said, " not anymore "

He hugged her and said, " yes, time can heal anything "


" why isn't she picking up the call ? " said Aayon Avelon who was frustrated.

Aayon went to Arora's dormitory to meet her, but she wouldn't pick up the phone. He waited before the dorms for almost an hour and when he was about to leave, he met Ivy Brooks.

He said with a broad smile, " aren't you Arora's friend ? Thank god, I met you here. Can you please inform Arora that I am waiting for her. "

Ivy was perplexed by his sudden meet. She then regained her composure and said, " Arora went to library and she left her phone in the room. Her phone kept on ringing, so I'm going to library to hand it over to her. "

Aayon finally understood the reason and said, " can I please come with you ? We had somewhere else to go and are running out of time. "

... to be continued ...