Chapter Two

Jay wakes up to his alarm going off. He hits the snooze button and gets up. He then showers quickly and dries off. He brushes his teeth and then goes to his room to get dressed. After putting on his pants Jay's phone starts buzzing.

"Hello?" "An inmate from Maximum Security Prison is attempting to contact you."

Jay hits the 2 button.

"Jay?" "What's up Root?" "I need you to get me out of here. Like now." "I'm working on it bud. I just need a bit of time." "Well you don't have time. One of the inmates in my sector is planning to blow up the prison to escape." "Shit. What time is this?" "Around 8 pm. He wants me to help him Jay. I can't. I can't do that but if I don't he'll kill me and Tara." "Fuck."

Jay goes downstairs quietly and leaves the house. He gets in the car and starts driving to work.

"Okay. Just hang in there. I just need to get some supplies from work and I'll get you out." "Please hurry. He's getting sketchy." "I'm at work now so I have to go." "Alright. I'll try to stall him." "Hang in there buddy."

The call ends. Jay walks into work and grabs the supplies he needs and brings them to his car and throws them in the trunk. He then goes back upstairs and does his shift. Around 4:30 Jay's phone buzzes.

"Hello?" "An inmate from Maximum Security Prison is trying to contact you."

Jay hits the 2 button.

"Jay?" "I'm here. Are you okay?" "Not really. I managed to get him to hold back on the plan but only for an hour and a half." "Alright well I'm going on a date with your sister first and then I'll be right over." "Please. I can't stand it in here. They're all viscous and assholes." "I promise. Right after." "Okay."

The call ends. Jay gets in his car and drives to Tara's. He honks his horn once there. Tara comes walking out and gets in the car. "You look beautiful. As always." Tara kisses Jay's cheek. "And you look as handsome as ever." Jay gets a text. He reads it and smiles. Tara looks at Jay confused. "What was that about?" "Oh nothing." Jay drives off to the restaurant. "Hey Jay?" "Yeah?" "Have you heard from my brother?" "Yes. We're getting him out tonight. After our date." Tara nods. "Okay." Once at the restaurant the two get out and enter the restaurant. "How are you this evening?" "Good thank you. I have a reservation for 6:30?" "Name?" "Jay Newman." The waiter looks down the list. "Ah. There you are. Right this way sir." Jay and Tara follow the man to their table. "Here you are. And here are your menus." "Thank you." The waiter smiles and walks away. "What are you having babe?" Tara looks down the menu. "I think I'm gonna have the steak and potatoes with a salad on the side. You?" "I think I'm going to get the same but without the salad." The waiter comes back with a pen and pad. "What would you like to eat?" "We're both going to get the steak and potatoes but one with a side salad." The waiter writes down the order. "And to drink?" "Just a bottle of your finest champagne please." "Right away." The waiter walks away to hand in the order. A few minutes later the waiter comes back with a champagne bottle and two glasses. "Here you are. Anything else while you wait?"b"No thank you." The man nods and walks away. "Oh I almost forgot!" The waiter comes back over. "Yes?" Jay leans close to the waiters ear and whispers what he wanted. The waiter nods and smiles. "Of course. I'll be right back." Jay nods. A few minutes later theres music playing. "Did you tell them to play this?" "I don't know what you're talking about." A few minutes later they were both eating. "This steak is delicious." "That it was." Tara chuckles when she looks up at Jay's plate. "You're done already?" Jay shrugs. "I was hungry." After they were both done eating the waiter comes back over and takes their plates. "Anything else?" Jay looks at the waiter and mouths, "Its time." The waiter smiles and nods. A few minutes past and a few people start playing on their violins and harps. Tara looks so confused. Jay gets down on one knee in front of Tara. "I promise to love you and take care of you for the rest of my life. I promise to be there whenever you need me no matter where I am. I promise to always buy you whatever you want or need." Jay pulls out a box out of his pocket and opens it. "Tara Louise Groves,Will you marry me?" Tara throws her hands over her mouth in shock. "Yes of course. Of course I'll marry you." Jay stands up after putting the ring on Tara's finger and hugs her tightly. Everyone in the restaurant are clapping. Jay whispers in Tara's ear, "I love you." Tara hugs Jay tighter. "I love you." The two kiss softly. A little while after that the two just sit there and drink champagne and chat. "So what are you planning on getting for a place?" "I was thinking if it was okay with your dad I mean if we could stay with him for a bit. Just until I have enough money to move into our own place. Sorry. When we have enough money." Tara chuckles. A few minutes later the two go up front and Jay pays the bill. The two leave and drive towards the prison. A few seconds later there's a loud explosion. Jay speeds off to the Maximum Security Prison and once there gets out and runs in after getting the stuff from his trunk. Tara grabs onto Jay's arm. "I'm coming with you." "No. It's too dangerous. Go wait by the car. I'll get him." Tara hesitates but does as told. Jay runs in and tries to find Root. "Root! Root where are you!?" "O." Root coughs. "Over here." Jay runs over and tries to pull Root out from under the slab of concrete. "Fuck!" Jay slams at the concrete with the hammer. Root winces. "Just leave me Jay. It's no use." "No. I'm not leaving you." Jay continues doing what he was doing. After about 29 minutes of smashing at the concrete it finally broke in half. Jay pulls off the piece holding Root and helps him up. "Ahhh." Root almost falls over. "I. I can't walk." Jay looks around the area and looks back at Root. "Go." "I'll be back." Jay runs out of the cell and tries to look for another way out. Once he finds one he runs back to Root and lifts him up over his shoulder and carries him out. Once out of the prison the alarms tripped. "Security alert. Security alert. Security alert. A prisoner is leaving the building." Jay runs to the car and Tara opens the back door and Jay lays Root across the backseat and jumps in the drivers seat. Tara jumps in the passenger seat and Jay drives off towards Tara's. Once there. The two quietly help Root into his old room and lay him on the bed. The two leave once they see Root is asleep. Jay closes the door and follows Tara to her room and closes the door. The two get undressed and get under the covers. "Hey Jay?" He moves onto his side. "Yeah?" "Do you think Root did it?" "Did what baby?" "The explosion." Jay lays back down on his back and wraps his arm around Tara once she lays her head on his chest. "No. I do not think he did it. He was forced into helping make it happen." Tara looks up at Jay.b"What do you mean?" "An inmate in his sector forced him to comply because if he didn't this inmate was going to kill him and you." Tara hums and kisses Jay deeply. "Night." Jay smiles. "Night my love." Tara falls asleep soon after. Jay checks his phone.

Sean: How did the night go?

Jay: Very well thank you

Sean: What she say? She say yes?

Jay: You'll have to wait until morning to find out

Sean: Darn it.🙁😋

Jay: Hahaha. Night Sean

Sean: Good night

Jay plugs in his phone and places it on the nightstand and falls asleep.