Chapter 7

A few minutes earlier,

"You…..You killed him." Lucas said, frozen in a mixture of fear and disbelief at the demon girl who had killed the one that slammed him into the basement. The realization took hold of him as he turned his head, trying not to throw up from the sight of the dead body. His mind was still wrapping around itself that she could take one of them down like it was nothing. All he could do was watch her bend down and drink some of his blood.

She just giggled, looking towards her work proudly as she felt another portion of strength come back. The rush of taking down an opponent was something she missed deeply. She let out a sigh as she turned her attention to the clueless boy who stood there dumbfounded.

"You really have no clue on what's going on here, do you? Either way, it doesn't matter, " she said while standing back up and walking to the corpse. She then reached her down, picking up the decapitated head, before turning and walking slowly towards Lucas.

Lucas just stood there. His body became stiff and tensed as she further approached him. He was waiting for her to do something to him and even closed his eyes in anticipation. Yet, she just stopped inches in front of him, smiling.

"Just stay down here, and I will come back for you once my side of the deal is finished, okay?" She told him with a childish wink.

Lucas could do nothing but swallow hard and nod his head in obedience to her. His hands began to shake. The demon did nothing but giggle at him as she began to walk towards the stairs leading up to the basement door singing a lullaby in her native tongue. As she walked away, Lucas noticed that her hair was now a pinkish red.

As she left his presence, Lucas fell to his knees, sweating. He began to cough violently as he could feel his chest pounding. That sensation he's felt throughout the day from the others was back. He could feel it coming off of her just now, and it made him choke. Tears began to fall from his eyes as the image of how she killed that man was fresh in his mind still, and he so badly wanted to forget it. He then looked up at the lifeless body as there was barely any blood coming out of it.

"This is just a dream, and I will wake up soon," Lucas told himself. Being in denial about the whole situation, he tried to convince himself that he took some sleeping pills, and this was just a bad nightmare that seemed real. Lucas then heard the sound of fighting coming from upstairs as his mind snapped him back to the situation at hand.

Upstairs, the two intruders stared back at the girl. Although she was vastly shorter than them, their fear of her made up the difference. The rumors of Elizabeth having a partner that was almost as ruthless as her or, even worse, were something that spread fast through the underground. Yet, her sudden disappearance made those rumors hard to believe. With her standing before them now, they had no choice but to get out of the house alive. To their relief, she didn't attack them. Yet. It seemed as if she was looking around at the damage and the layout of the house itself.

"Yep. This is Lizzy's house. You two are in big trouble when she gets back." The demon said, shaking her head and giggling at the two. A deep sigh left her mouth as she then cupped her hands together. Her own blood seemed to leak out from the middle of her palms and float in the space of her hands. At first, it took the form of a blob but soon began to take on a more defined form.

"Technique Number 4: Blood Dagger." She said as the blob took the form of a bright red dagger. The demon then gripped the blade by its handle with her left hand and then held the blade downward with the sharpest part outward as she eyed both of her targets.

"Before she gets back, I want to have my fun. So who wants to play first?" She said as her pupils dilated down to viper slants. Her eyes began to move back and forth, looking to see which one will come at her.

"Shit. This is bad." Timmy said as he started to panic. This was not according to his plan. He never expected Elizabeth's Demi-Human to be alive or let alone being here in front of them. His eyes began to look around to figure out how to escape, but the only way out was through the front door that was behind her.

"Calm your ass down. I got this." Alexander said, feeling his friend's worries and concerns. He was thinking the same as him. There was no way both of them could get out of here alive. However, only one of them needs to getaway. It was time to save his sorry ass again.

"What are you talking about?! There's no…."

"Just... Shut up and wait for my signal." Alexander said as he began to pop his knuckles and step forward to face their foe.

The demon girl's smile grew deeper as she felt a rush of excitement pump through her body. She gripped the handle of her dagger tighter as felt an itch growing.

"Ooooo. The big boy stepped forward. Very well then." She said as a small giggle left her mouth. She could feel her heart began to race from the excitement while her tongue snaked out and licked her lips as she was ready for this.

As their tension grew, it was suddenly broken by the demon girl taking off toward the giant of a man. Alexander readied himself and then threw his right fist at the small woman's head. This caused the girl to duck low with her hair being brushed by the force of his fist. Yet, she continues moving toward the man's right leg. She tried to cut at it, but Alexander sidestepped her by pulling it back. She just missed it by few inches but was able to cut his pants leg instead. He then used his left to kick the girl in her stomach; however, she pushed herself off the ground. Using his leg as support, she turned her body in a half spin and allowed her dagger to slash the man upwards deeply.

A sharp pain ran up Alexander's body from his stomach to his shoulder as blood flew outward. This caused him to stumble back and slam into a hanging mirror, shattering it as he grabbed his wound while blood poured out. The girl was able to land on one foot before standing up straight as she began to giggle. Barely any blood dripped from the dagger, but one tiny drop did hit the floor with a light thump. She then raised the dagger to her tongue and ran the side of the blade to her tongue without cutting it.

"Not bad. It's quite bitter." She said, tasting the blood while looking over her shoulder toward the fallen giant. She then turned around and pointed her dagger at him. A smug smile rested on her face as she looked at him struggling to keep his pain hidden and under control. "I'm glad to know that even though I'm rusty and weak, my years of training and battling haven't left me." She confessed to them as she felt her blood rushing throughout her body.

Her eyes then looked at the other one, who was in disbelief at what he saw. He nearly jumped out of his skin when her red eyes met his. Before she could fully turn to the smaller one, she heard the giant one start chuckling. This made her stop and look back at him. Her head slightly tilted out of curiosity.

"Care to share in your last moments." She said, turning her attention back to him. Her curiosity was itching to find out what he was thinking about before she finished him off.

"Sorry. Sorry. This just reminded me of a good joke?" Alexander said, coughing up a little blood as he repositions himself to be a little more comfortable. His eyes quickly darted to his partner before turning it back to the girl.

Her eyes went wide before she arched a brow. "A joke?"

Alexander looked at her for a moment and just shook his head. "Fuck it. I'll let you know. Knock. Knock?"

Her face lit up with joy as it was something Lizzy used to do with her. "Oooo! I love these. Who's there?" she asked, bringing her dagger down low as she was fully invested in this.

"Interrupting cow," Alexander answered. Unknown to her, he tapped two fingers on the ground in the direction of Timmy.

The girl looked confused for a moment but was still interested to hear the answer. "Interrupting-"

"Mooooo!" Timmy said, running at the girl and knocking her to the floor away from his partner. This caused the girl to hit the ground hard and made her dagger slide across the ground. While she was on the ground, Timmy looked back at his friend, who gave him a nod with a soft smile. "Thank you." He told him before turning to run out the door.

The girl started to pick herself up as she was now angry at being distracted by such a dumb trick. "Damn it. That….(giggle) wasn't….(giggle) funny!" She said, trying to hold back her laughter. For some unknown reason, she started to laugh uncontrollably. The more she tried to stop, the more she found herself laughing even harder until she started to cough. She felt unable to breathe as she continued to laugh.

"I didn't think that would work on someone like you," Alexander stated as he pulled himself up and grabbed a piece of broken glass in his hand tightly. He then began to stumble towards her.

"What did..... you me?" She struggled to say while laughing at each word as she tried to move to grab her own dagger.

"I have the ability to make people laugh, but I can only do so if I get them to be a part of the joke." He said, getting closer to her. He dropped to his knees as he grabbed her struggling foot. He managed to stab her in the back of her leg as she kicked at him.

A scream came from the girl as she was stabbed, yet it sounded like she was laughing even harder. Tears filled her eyes as she got one good kicked on him using her other leg to free herself. This did nothing to him as he pulled the glass out and stabbed her arm that reached for the blade. Her mind was in different directions as she continued to struggle to breathe as her laughs became harsher and painfully while she continued to fight to reach her dagger.

"You're not going anywhere." He hissed while pulling the glass out before dragging her back toward him. He nearly ripped off a good chunk of her dress due to it being very brittle.

The girl turned over and tried to use her hands to fight him off, but with her barely able to breathe and him being more physically stronger than her, she found herself losing the battle.

Alexander quickly grabbed her arms and pent them down as he looked her in the eyes. His own hand was bleeding from the shard, digging deeper into his flesh, yet he raised the glass high into the air as his aim was for the girl's heart. A peal of mad laughter filled the room as he realized something. He would be the only one to have killed Elizabeth's partner. He would be the one to kill one of her greatest weapons and avenge his fallen brothers by their hands.

"Damn it!"

As she struggled to breathe and break his grip, the girl thought to herself. She was panicking and hated herself for allowing herself to be caught in this predicament.

"Damn it. If only I were stronger. If only I had a few more seconds. I just need a second to think, " She thought to herself while her vision began to darken as she was running out of air. The last thing she would see as her vision began to fade was the man about to bring the glass down at her chest.


The sound filled the air as Alexander dropped the glass in pain and disbelief. The girl then felt a warm liquid fall onto her face. She opened her eyes to see the same shocked expression on Alexander's face. The pain finally kicked into him as he felt and saw his blood dripped from his head onto the girl's face. Out of pure shock and disbelief, his hand let go of the girl and then turned around to see who hit him with such force and power. The girl did the same as she could feel their power. Both of them looked in disbelief at what they were seeing.

It was Lucas, but he was different. Blue electric-like energy was pouring out of him as his hair stood up. His eyes went from a light brown to a light electric blue. He had a crowbar in his hands and was holding onto it so tight that his hands were bleeding. He was breathing hard as he pulled the crowbar back once again.

"Get the hell off of her!" He fumed. His grip on the crowbar had tightened while the light blue current that danced on him moved to the crowbar as if charging it up. He swang the crowbar at such a fast rate that Alexander's body moved his head back to avoid getting hit but could feel the energy shock him as it went by. As the crowbar hit the wall, electricity dispersed outward in a vein-like pattern while a deep crater formed in the wall. This cause anything that was still hanging on the wall to fall. His strike caused the whole house to shake and even made the lights flicker.

Lucas's strike brought a chill down Alexander and the girl's spine; however, Alexander more as he realized that he would have been dead if his body didn't react before he could.

"What the hell is this kid?" Alexander thought to himself. His body went stiff as he was at a complete loss. Visible fear was in his eye as he stared at the boy.

The girl was thinking the same thing as her attacker. Her eyes then looked up at him. "This is my chance." She thought as the blood from her stab wound quickly took the form of another dagger. She pushed herself forward at the distracted giant nearly leaping into his arms.

A roar-like scream came from her mouth as she tackled him over and plunged her dagger into his chest. His shock lifted as Alexander tried to fight her off and actually punched her in the face. Yet, she continued to push the blade in deeper. He then grabbed her head with both hands in an attempt to squeeze it. She could feel her head tighten and even her mind go numb with pain.

"Technique…5.." she thought to herself as a loud slicing sound along with something piercing the floor filled the room.

"D...Damn it." Alexander said as he started to feel his life slipping away. His grip on the girl's head loosened as his entire body went limp. The life in his eyes faded as the last thing he saw was her piercing red eyes watching him die.

"Blood Sword." She finished her thought as she just sat there. She was breathing heavily for a moment and tried to figure out what just happened. She knew that this should have been over in seconds, but she got sloppy. All because of that "joke." The fact he got her and allowed one of them to escape irritated her. Even worse is that she could have died just now if it wasn't for the boy.

"The boy." She thought. He saved her and that power just a moment again. She had never seen a power like that in her long life.

"Hey. Who is Elizabeth to you?" She finally asked him and looked up at him with her hair and the rest of her a complete mess. She was still trying to catch her breath.

Lucas had zoned out for a moment as this warm and energetic feeling started to fade from his body. He took a deep breath as his body began to ache all over. Either he forgot about her question, or he just didn't hear her; he immediately asked her a question.

"Are you alright?" He asked her as he remembered hearing her scream. He suddenly noticed that he was holding the crowbar very tightly, and his hands were in so much pain that he dropped it. His attention quickly went back to the girl as she was still on top of the corpse.

"Did he not realized what he just did a few minutes ago?" She thought to herself as she was visibly confused about this whole situation. Her mind then put together that he probably doesn't remember it.

"Ye…Yes. He got me good in my arm and leg." She let him know as her breathing became stable. She then said something in her native tongue while looking at the dead body. When she tried to stand up, the wound on her leg refused to let her.

Lucas was nervous at first but started to approach her slowly. He was still scared of her, yet he couldn't help but feel like he at least needed to help her up. Maybe she would leave him alone if he helped her out?

"Do you need a hand or some help?" he asked her.

She watched him slowly approach her. She honestly didn't know how to feel about him asking if she needed help. She knew she could kill him and just leave, but whatever that power was within him could be useful to her. Even with thoughts, this was the first time someone had asked if she needed help outside of Elizabeth herself. With a sigh and a soft smile, she gave him an answer.

"It would be nice."

When he saw her smile, he stopped in his tracks with an apprehensive look.

"You're not going to try anything, right? I mean... you did just help me out...and you are free, but a demon is still a demon. What says you're not going to kill me when I touch you?" He said, standing his ground.

She just listened to him and couldn't help but start giggling. With everything that just happened, he was still concerned about her killing him.

"I like you, human. You are very amusing." She responded before pointing towards the outside. " Let's call this another favor. I want to see the night sky and breath in the fresh air since it's been so long. If you help me with that, I will leave you alone, and you never hear from me again."

She finished speaking by pushing her hair out of her face. Her big red eyes were still pulsating as her pupils grew wide and opened. Her wounds didn't bleed as they just stayed open. The dress was covered in some blood and even had big holes revealing some of her skin. With a deep exhale, she awaited his response.

Lucas thought about it for a moment. For the most part, she has stayed true to her words, so the fact she could leave him alone was very tempting. His eyes looked away for a moment as he sighed.

"Alright then. No tricks, okay?" He said, moving closer to her.

"You have my word." She softly smiled as he stood in front of her

"Okay then. Here we go."

Lucas then reached down and placed one hand on the girl's waist as she held up her hands and placed her arm around his shoulder. He tensed a little, feeling her arms around him but calmed down when he heard her make a very soft groan when she got to her feet. She tightened her grip from the pain as she was now on both her feet.

"Are you alright to walk?"

"Yes." She said, letting out a deep sigh as she held onto him. She raised her injured foot to take some of the pain off of it. She then pushed his arm down a little as he was nearly groping her chest.

"Sorry about that," Lucas muttered embarrassingly as he didn't realize how he was holding her.

"You're fine." She giggled at him. "I'm ready when you are."

When she said that, Lucas took a deep breath and took the first step. It was a slow process. Even if the front door was only a few feet away, they had to avoid broken glass, wood pieces from the door, and other random stuff scattered around.

Lucas's eyes wandered around at the destroyed house. He felt guilty due to this all happening and could have been avoided if he had turned that date down. His eyes then looked over at the demon girl by his side. He didn't know how to feel about her. He still felt uneasy with her, and seeing what she did to those guys made his stomach turn with horror. Yet, he was glad she did help him. If it weren't for her, he would have died on this night. He didn't know whether to thank her or just let her fully leave.

As they made it outside onto the porch, they didn't hear a single sound of no crickets or any animals. It was eerily quiet, properly because of what happened inside. The only sound that came out was the gasp of the girl. Her eyes were wide as she looked around at the grass and the star-filled night. Her grip tightened around Lucas's arm as she took in everything. The smell of the wet grass, the trees, and the natural aroma. It was almost overwhelming for her, yet it smelled so wonderful. Her eyes began to go misty as she finally got to see the world again. She then felt a tug on her dress, followed by a ripping sound.

When Lucas looked out towards the field, he noticed the girl held on tighter to him. He would have asked her if she was alright, but his body began to lean forward as his eyes got heavy. He tried to grab onto something, but all he could do was grab onto the girl's dress. He ripped a huge part of the worn-out dress as he fell. As he was the one supporting her up, she would lose her balance and fall on top of him.

The girl was pissed that not only did she fall on top of him, but now she was completely topless. She was going to yell at the boy for doing something embarrassing to her but quickly stopped when she realized that he was out cold. She then noticed a warm liquid coming from him, along with the smell of iron. She then let out a deep sigh realizing his body had reached its limits, and his wounds had opened back up.

She then let out a soft giggle as she could not believe this weak human was actually the one that awoken her and then saved her. "Thank you." She whispered in a grateful tone to him while looked down at his unconscious body.

She then raised her head quickly and looked around, making sure that she was the only one awake, along with no one else was around. Once she did her quick check, she licked her lips.

"Maybe just a quick meal before I go. I'll seal your wounds again in the process." She said in a sinister tone while looking down at Lucas's lips. She then repositioned herself so that she was fully on top of Lucas. She began to lower herself to connect her lips to his and even closed her own eyes.

"He can thank me later. Just have to hurry before Lizzy showed up," She thought to herself as she was only inches from his lips.

The pressure and air of the area suddenly changed as the demon girl's eyes shot open with fear. She felt something sharp poke the back of her head as she felt the presence of a very familiar person.

A figure with long ghost-white hair with ash-gray skin loomed over her with a black and gold-colored bow with spiraling arks on the upper and lower limps. She had the string pulled fully back and was ready to fire. Her solid back eyes with yellowish-orange pupils were filled with anger as she found what she dreaded the most right before her eyes. The monster that was sleeping in the basement was out and now mounted on top of her son with her breast out.

"Slowly back the hell away from my son's lips." Elizabeth Homes said in a solemn but furious tone.

The demon girl raised her hands slowly as she pulled herself up. She could feel the arrow move as she did. She couldn't help but giggle at how this must have appeared and the realization that the boy she on was Elizabeth's son.

"It's been a while, Lizzy." The demon girl said, turning her head to Elizabeth with the bow and arrow pointing directly at her face. She remembered the last time she saw her and wasn't surprised to see she didn't change. "Did you change your hair?" she said jokingly as she could see the anger in her eyes grow.

Elizabeth didn't say a word as she stared daggers at her. She was thinking of many things at the moment that she could feel a headache coming on. A low growl left her mouth as she slowly released the arrow. She placed the arrow back in her quiver as she grabbed her brow.

"What the hell happened here?" She said, wanting the straight answer from the girl.

"What's wrong? Don't you miss your best friend?" The demon girl smiled at Elizabeth.