Chapter 28

A single drop of water hit the puddle in the sink as Lucas raised the dipped towel from it. He began to clean his face as his last touch before his dad's arrival. He let out a sigh as he used the towel to wipe under his eyes and started to linger for a moment under his now normal eye. Part of him was still getting used to how effective healing was. While the other half was still in shock that it's real. As he placed the towel down, he started to examine his once blackened eye. Outside of the redness from his own touch and the warm towel, it was completely fine. It was as if it never happened at all.

Lucas's mind began to wander as he looked at himself in the mirror. His eyes moved backed and forth as a lot of things started to dawn on him. The regular and constant training, how serious his mom was, how fast and strong she was, and the power she holds. He closed his eyes before slowly shaking his head and taking a deep breath.

"No matter how much you look at your hair, it's still shaggy," Amay spoke up.

Her voice caused Lucas to tone back in and turn his attention to her. She was leaning against his bathroom door with her arms somewhat folded while she used one hand to put lip gloss on her naturally red lips. He then noticed she was wearing jean shorts and her own purple shirt on. She had her hair in a ponytail that laid on her back.

"Ha. Ha. I wasn't worried about that." Lucas said, annoyed with her slightly from earlier today. He sighed before allowing the water to drain. He avoided looking her in the eyes as his own face started to blush.

"Aw. Did I make you mad with my little joke?" Amay asked as she stood straight up and walked fully into the bathroom with him.

"Yes!-" Lucas answered, turning towards her direction. He was about to tell her off but was caught off guard by a kiss. This silenced Lucas for a few minutes until she slowly pulled away.

"Apple?" He asked, a little taken back after tasting it on her lips.

"Green Apple, to be exact. Do you like it?" She asked with a smug smile as she puckered her lips to get the rest of her lip gloss on. "You need to relax and live a little. You're always so worried."

"But if she finds out, we both will be in trouble." He reminded her of their secret. "I don't mind us doing this, but we have to be careful and not draw attention to this."

Amay rolled her eyes at him. "I was joking for the most part. For all she knows, I'm just playing around. Besides, we were playing the game. So I was telling the truth." She said, crossing her arms at him.

"Still. We need to be careful. Okay?" Lucas said, using the towel to wipe his lips to get rid of the gloss just in case. He then let out a sigh as he looked in the mirror at himself again.

"Okay," Amay mumbled in a pout as she was annoyed with how worried he always was.

"You still need to learn to loosen up and go with it at times." She said, looking at herself in the mirror and straight-up some of her loose hair. She then fiddled with the necklace around her neck as her eyes looked towards him. "It's not fun unless both of us are enjoying ourselves."

"Can't enjoy it if you get us both killed," Lucas mumble to himself as he tried to comb out his hair. He felt Amay shove him a little.

"Super hearing, dumbass," Amay told him while letting out a sigh. "Anyway, what's your dad like?"

Lucas stopped for a good moment seeing Amay's eyes fall on him. He remembered she never met him before, so he had to think for a moment.

Lucas remembered one key memory of his Mom chasing his dad out of the house with a bow and arrow. He then remembered his dad coming to his school for Father's Day, and he just flirted with each teacher that he saw. He also remembered the time while he was drowning, his dad was too busy flirting with a lifeguard and then came to save him. During all those times, he had a smile on his face.

"He's....something else." Lucas found himself struggling to say without laughing.

"In a good or bad way?" Amay asked more curiously.

"Yes," Lucas said, not sure how to fully answer. "Just be careful around him. I don't know how he will act seeing you."

This response caused Amay to raise an eyebrow as she didn't know what he meant by that. "O-okay? No matter, this will be a fun thing to see." Amay said, finally done fixing her appearance. A smug smile came across her face as she saw Lucas was still looking worrisome.

"Do we have to do it now? What if my mom comes in?" Lucas said, knowing that look on Amay's face. He slowly backed himself into his bathroom wall.

"We don't have to if you don't want to. All you have to do is say no," Amay smirked at Lucas as she approached her cornered mouse. She was close enough to touch him and could see he was still a little jumpy. A low giggle left her mouth as she was always amused to see how jumpy he becomes. Her hands slowly gripped his shoulders as she raised herself on her tippy toes to be closer to him.

"Do you want me to stop?" Amay asked him as her face blushed slightly red. She couldn't help but giggle as she watched his face started to blush as well. Her eyes then went wide as she felt his hands rest on her waist and cupped her face. "I'll take that as a no then." She smugly told him.

"Let's just make it quick, okay?" Lucas frustratedly told her as he tried to avoid her eye contact. He could feel his hands began to shake as his heart began to flutter. Her sweet perfume and her being so close to him made him both nervous and anxious. He took a deep breath as he leaned forward to indulge in their forbidden taboo.

"That's the spirit." Amay softly giggled as she went in to complete their kiss. Before her lips could touch his, her ears flicker as she could playing in the distance. This made her turn her head slightly in that direction and let out a sigh as the mood was ruined now. "Someone is pulling up."

"Wait. Really?" Lucas asked as he pulled back for a moment. He barely could hear it right away, but it sounded as if it was getting closer. He then watched as Amay pulled herself away and fixed her appearance again. He could see she was excited to meet his father finally.

"Time to see who our mystery guest is," Amay said, showing Lucas her twisted smirk as she quickly left out of his room.

Lucas watched as she left ]and he was just left wondering about a lot of things. But the one thing that was on his mind was this whole arrangement. He let out a sigh as part of him felt guilty for enjoying Amay's playful antics, and he could feel himself becoming accustomed to having her around. Yet, he didn't like their run-around and especially doing this secret behind his mom's back. He could feel his guilt bite at him as he started to scratch the back of his head.

"Man, this sucks."


Elizabeth sat on her pouch with her spare bow and an arrow at her side, listening to the approaching vehicle music play. She watched as a black 1979 Pontiac Firebird with a visible red and yellow phoenix on its front pull up into her walkway. She couldn't help but roll her eyes as she knew the exact song he was playing to tick her off. She might have been upset, but she couldn't help but smile that he still remembered one of her favorite songs.

As the car came to a stop, Amay ran out of the door in anticipation for the mysterious father to make his appearance. She watched as the passenger door opened, and her heart began to beat rapidly with excitement. However, her mood soon became sour as she remembered that person's smell and long black hair.

"Oh. It looks like the puppy finally made her way back home." Amay said, rolling her eyes at Martha.

"I'm surprised you're still talking without dirt coming out of your mouth," Martha answered back as she grabbed her gear from the back seat. She watched as Amay went silent the moment she mentioned that and the angry look on her face.

"Damn. Always good with your comebacks." Edward Taurus said as he opened his door and looked up at the girls through his aviator sunglasses. "Just like a certain Silver Fox, I know." He mentioned looking straight into Elizabeth's glare.

"Hello, Edward," Elizabeth said, standing from her chair to look down at her former husband. Her attention then turned to Martha. "Go ahead and come inside, sweetie. I got you some food and clothes laid out."

"Yes, ma'am," Martha said as she knew a good shower would feel excellent right about now. She turned around and gave Edward a soft nod with a smile. It was her way of thanking him for the ride and food.

"Anytime, kiddo." Edward gave his daughter a returned nod as he watched her head into the house. His eyes then landed on the girl on the front porch looking at him almost puzzled. He raised his shades to look at her better. "You must be Amay. Right?" He asked, pointing at her

"The one and only," Amay said in a prideful tone.

"Nice to meet you, and thank you for saving my son. I would give you a high-five or a handshake, but The lady of the house won't let me come within a few feet of her." Edward remarked while winking at Elizabeth.

"I will take your eye if you do it again." Elizabeth snarled at him.

"Come on, my silver fox. I said I was sorry. Can we ever get back together?" Edward asked, holding his arms out as he moved to the front of his car more.

Amay noticed that he looked more like a fit and built Lucas wearing a bicker attire with short hair and a well-groomed goatee. She could tell from just how he interacted that he was more relaxed than Lucas, and Elizabeth's attitude didn't scare him. She could see how Elizabeth could have fallen for him now. "Opposites attract," She thought to herself, seeing their interaction play out.

"Edward, your "sorry" is as unless as sunblock on the sun. Now, if you take another step, I will shoot you." Elizabeth calmly explained to him. She then readied her bow at him.

"Your words hurt more than your arrows." Edward softly said, making fake crying noises.

"You want to test that, asswipe," Elizabeth responded to him. She then heard the door behind her open. Lucas was ready to head out.

"Mom, please don't reshoot him....again," Lucas said, shaking his head as he saw his mom lining up the shot for Edward's head. "Dad, why do you keep antagonizing her? You know she will shoot."

"Because that's the love of my life, boy. AND I-WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOUUU-" Edward song the last words in his rough voice. He then felt something whizz quickly past his head and bury itself into the ground. He slowly turned around to look at the arrow in the ground and then back at her. He then did it again before throwing his hands out.

"You almost hit me." He began to whine.

"Damn, I missed," Elizabeth said, annoyed about her shot than him.

"Amay, come on, we are leaving. Before she kills him for good this time." Lucas said before grabbing Amay's hand quickly. He knew they better leave before she grabbed any more arrows.

"I'll bring them back safely, my Silver Fox," Edward said quickly, ducking in his car before she could fire again.

Elizabeth let out an annoyed groan as she watched them pull away. A small smile came across her face as a light soft blush began to show. "You're still a loveable idiot even now. You even remembered our song." Elizabeth said, watching them leave and giggling at her former husband.