Chapter 55

"Come on and throw the ball," A young man with dark grey hair said to the pitcher. He was leaning against a metal bat with a slick smile on his face. His gold chain pressed against his neck as he patiently waited for the pitcher to make up his mind. "Come on. I heard your the best pitcher around so give me something good. Or are you better at pitching with your boyfriend over there?" he said pointing a figure at some random kid on second base. A rough chuckle let his mouth as he took a puff of his cigarette.

"Tsk. You talk a lot of shit, Kenny." The pitcher said gripping the ball tighter in his hand. His eyes glowed a deep lime green as he focused his anger, and energy into the ball.

"I know, but it gets you in the right mood." Kennedy said taking his cigarette out, and dropped it to the ground. While he raised his bat. His gripped on the bat tightened and his muscles began to flex and tighten as he readied himself. A cold mist left his mouth as little pieces of frost began to form on the handle of that bat from his fingers. "Don't go easy on me. Let's make this last one good." He said as a light blue aura began to rise from him like steam.

"Right." The pitcher said as he lowered his hat. He raised his left leg up causing his green aura to spike and quickly faded as he pulled his left arm up with the ball glowing bright green. He then slammed his left foot down while at the same time he could feel his pitching arm beginning pulled by the air.

"Broly Ball." The word left his mouth as the ball rocked from his fingers like a raging bull.

There was a pop as the ball sped towards Kennedy like a green raging beast that left a fading tail.

Everything seemed to slow down as Kennedy began to breath in and breathe out. His now light blue eyes looked at the raging green ball approaching him. His grip on his bat tightened as he could feel his heart began to beat slowly. He pulled the bat back as his light blue aura enveloped it. Ice danced up the handle as he watched it get closer.

"Wait for it." Kennedy told himself as he closed his eyes for a second. His body began to relax as he allowed his senses to wonder. He imagine a bright green light slowly getting closer to him. "Wait for it." He said one more time as the hair on the back of his neck and his goosebumps began to rise.

"Now!" He roared in his mind as he opened his eyes and narrowed his brow. He could feel his muscles tighten as he brought the bat down with enough amount of force. His blue aura bat made contact with the light green ball, and a struggle began to form.

"Damn. He wasn't holding back on this one." Kennedy thought to himself as he felt the ball pushing the bat back. His fingers began to tingle as he fought for control of the situation. He let out a warriors cry as his aura began to flare around him and the bat. He could see the green aura started to wave and falter against his aura.

A loud pop field the field as the ball gave up and went soar into the sky like a blue comet. Everyone on the field watched with amazement and awe as the ball left in a homerun. A chuckle left Kennedy's mouth as he slowly began to walk around the filed with the bat in his hand. Each person he based got a cold chill that cooled them from the heat of the game. With a final step, Kennedy had made it back to home with a smile on his face.

"GG Bros. " He said scratching the stubs on his face. "Let's call it good for the day, since it's getting dark."

A yawn let his mouth as this was what he needed after a long day of studying. He then watched as the pitcher came up to him, and pulled his hat off as sweat cover his forehead and a visible line could be seen from his cap.

He quickly took off his glove and stuck out his hand to give him a hand shake.

"Yo, Kennedy. What did you think of my pitch?" The young man in his late teens said as his long matted hair was pulled back. Standing next to Kennedy, Kennedy was taller at most six feet. While Kennedy was a lot more buff and well built, his friend was more skinny with more defined arms.

"I gotta say Goku. You're doing a lot better." Kennedy said to his friend as they did their handshake. He then brought him in for a hug. "I will say you do need to work on your throwing arm. The way you pitched is gonna mess up your arm. One bad throw and you could end your whole career." He said in a serious tone.

"Damn. I didn't realize that. I thought I fixed that." Goku said for a moment as he did feel his arm was hurting from that through. "Besides that what did you think of my Broly Ball?"

"I figured it was called something like that," Kennedy said shaking his head. His friend was nicknamed Goku do to him being a big fan of DragonBall and even named some of his pitches after some character. "It wasn't bad, but it does need a little more work. Also Broly Rush sounds a little better."

"Oooo. That does sound better." Goku said before looking at the time. "Shit! I gotta go before my mom kills me." He said before taking off running.

Kennedy couldn't help, but laugh as he watched his short friend take off running. He knew he should text him to night to make sure he got home safely. He then looked around the empty field for a moment before placing the bat on his shoulder.

"With a few more practices, we could be this years champions." He said to himself as he was heading towards the parking lot. As he walked past a few cars he began to think about his wife and the glacier blue ring on his finger. Her saying "yes" still brought some tears to his eyes a little. "Don't worry Jessyka. I'm on my way home now." He proudly said before coming to a sudden stop as he made eye contact with a man on the back of his car.

A well build man with short spiky hair with a leather jacket on watched Kennedy from the back of his black 1979 Pontiac Firebird. He had a burger in his hands and a vanilla shake to his left. For some reason, Kennedy felt a little uneasy about him, but decided it was just some random guy being weird.

"Are you, Kennedy Dumont?" Edward asked after swallowing a bite of his burger and using a napkin to wipe his face.

This caused Kennedy to turn around for a moment to look at the man with a weird look. "And what if I am?" He said in his usual smart mouth voice as this guy had his full attention.

"Look son, don't play with my balls." Edward said in a frustrated voice. "I'm already having a shitty day finding this location, dealing with traffic, and finding a good burger that's not real meat. So a simple yes or no would work?" he said placing the burger in it's wrapper and wiping his mouth.

"Ye-Yeah. I am." Kennedy said actually baffled at hearing someone randomly says that. "Who are you?"

" I'm Edward Taurus. You might have heard of me before." Edward said taking a sip of his milkshake.

"Nope. I never hear of you before." He said turning back around and waving his hand towards the man. "Nice to meet you, now I'm leaving."

"Jessyka Dumont." Edward said sipping his shake as he watched the young man came to a dead stop. "An Ice Elemental Demi-Human that possess top tear Ice manipulation magic. And supposedly one of how many sisters again?" He said taking another sip. A cold chill left his mouth as he realized the temperature around the area suddenly dropped.

"What did you do to her?" Kennedy said as voice was now cold like his body.

"Nothing. I just wanted to get your attention." Edward said placing the shake down before hopping off of his trunk. He did a little stretching to loosen up his body. "You see I kinda do something like bounty hunting. I was hired to find you."

"I swear to God if you touched her." Kennedy said as ice crystals began to form on the ground below his feet.

"Relax. I'm not here for her. Actually, I'm technically here for both of you." Edward said feeling the hair on his arms stand up. "The person that hired me wants to talk you both."

"Tell them to fuck off. I'm not going anywhere." Kennedy said as his eyes and hair began to turn light blue and white. "My family must have sent for me." He thought to himself.

"Kid. You don't want to do this." Edward said letting out a sigh as he realized where this could go. "The person that hired you is very important, and paying me pretty nicely to talk to you. And to be honest I hate California, so the faster you comply the faster I can leave." He said as he looked around to make sure they were alone or so.

"Then come make me listen." Kennedy said as steam began to come from his hands.

"Fuuuuuuck." Edward said almost annoyed as he realized what was about to happen. "Why do we always have to do it the hard way. For once, I would rather do it the easy way." He said as the wind began to rush past towards Kennedy and swirl around Edward as he held out both arms allowing the air to surround them.

"Last chance to do this the easy way, kid."