Chapter 80

"Fufufu." A small chuckle left Ida's mouth as she popped her neck back into place. Using her normal hand to rub her neck, she felt a small liquid hit her hand. She pulled it back to see her own blood. Her mouth had went back to normal as she gritted her teeth in pain and anger. Her four eyes forced on the boy in front of her, and then at her original prey.

"It seems my vemon is more effective now." She noticed to herself as she could see the girl struggle to get up but her body wouldn't move. A satisfying smile came across her lips as she focused back on the boy. She could smell his left over magical energy mixing with his blood and tears. "It's intoxicating," She thought to herself as she began to bite on her lip.

"That was an impressive kick and you managed to draw blood from me." Ida complimented the boy as she straightened her body out up as she move closer to him. Her hands began to caress her chest as she began to lick the blood from her cut."Way more then she could ever do now that I'm in this form."

"Yeah. And there's more where that is coming from, if you don't leave her alone." Lucas found the courage to tell her back. A nervous sensation began to come over his body as he looked at her body and movements. His body took a step back as his legs began to quiver with fear. He could her Amay struggling behind, and he could feel the urge to turn around check on her; however, he couldn't take his eyes off of Ida.

"There's no need to worry about her," Ida said as if inside of Lucas head. She could feel the fear leaking of him as she spoke. "My venom is already numbing her body. She's paralyzed for a while. Only able to watch us. This only leaves you and me."

Lucas's heart dropped as he finally put two and two together. He gripped his fist tightly as he felt his whole body go numb. He gritted his teeth. He could feel his energy flow throughout his body as his fight or flight began to go into hyper drive.

"I was thinking we pick up were-" Ida was about to say but was cut off by Lucas yell.

Without thinking, Lucas's feet pushed him off the ground propelling him towards Ida. He pulled back his right arm as it began to glow white from all the magical energy being pushed into it. His goal was to hit Ida in the face. He didn't care about the moral aspect. He was not going to let her take him. A tear ran down his eye as his emotions were overwhelming.

As he grow closer and closer to her, Ida used her massive hand to knock Lucas out of the sky with ease. Her blow forced Lucas to hit a tree and making his left arm nearly bend around the tree. As he fell to the ground, Lucas head began to sway as he found it hard to move and focus on the area around him. Blood began to coat the tree as Lucas tried to get back to his feet.

"Damn it," he said feeling the pain shoot throughout his body. He could feel her looming over him, and move closer.

Amay grunted as she tried to force herself up, but her body just laid there. She couldn't even get a word out as she watched Ida move closer to him. She saw the sick smile on Ida's face as she was happy with this moment.

"Don't make this harder then it has to be. We were so close last time." Ida said as she leaned closer to Lucas. "Just turn around and give up."

Lucas gritted his teeth as he turned around and pulled back his left hand. The part of Amay's kimono that covered his arm began to tear away as he forced all his energy into his arm.The area was covered with a bright blinding light as Lucas made contact with Ida.

"My..My.." Ida's voice cheerfully rang out as she held Lucas fist with her massive right hand. Sparks danced along her hand as she began to squeeze his hand. "That was a great punch and would have done some serious damage.....if I was in my old form." She said as she closed her fist and heard a pop come Lucas.

Lucas began to scream as he felt the bones in his hand break. He looked Ida in her eyes as tears and anger filled his. He pulled back his right hand and tried to take energy in. Using all the strength he could muster Lucas started punching at Ida's hand. To his shock and fading hope, his fist didn't do anything, but just bloodied his hand.

"Aww. You don't have any magic left," Ida said taking her other massive arm and grabbing Lucas other hand. There was another pop and as he screamed in pain she moaned with pleasure. She then forced Lucas off of the ground as she moved closer to have him pinned to the tree. "Keep fighting, I want to see her face as she has to helpless watch." Ida said as she could see Amay watching this whole event.

Amay's hair began to turn from reddish pink to full on pink as she forced her arms to try and regenerate. Yet she knew the process wasn't fast enough, and her body was still numb. Tears filled her eyes as she was using nearly everything to try and move.

Ida's hands began to feel up Lucas body as she pushed his head up and forced her mouth onto his. She could feel him kicking his legs to push her off, but it was hopeless. Her hands then started to undo his pants.

"Take my power." The voice rung inside Amay's head as she turned her heard to see the being that hunted her for the majority of her life, hiding in the shadows of a tree. Her shadowy hand reaching out to Amay. "You want the power to save him. I will give it to you."

Amay eyes went back to Ida who nearly had her partners pants down with his member in her hands. She gritted her teeth as she had no choice. She closed her eyes as she allowed her demon to take control. She could feel the relaxing sensation come over her as a smile came across her face. Everything seemly went silent as she began to drift into the nothingness.

"Don't Do It, Amay!"

The voice yelled out and forced her to open her eyes in the void. She pulled her head forward as she felt the force being pulled away from her. When she looked up she saw where the voice was coming from.

It was Lucas. He saw what she was doing and felt this will in him to not let her do it. Without realizing it, he bit down hard on Ida's tongue and held onto it. Green blood covered his mouth as he bite Ida's tongue completely off. When she screamed in pain, he spit her tongue out and yelled towards Amay.

Ida's grip tightened on his hands nearly breaking them as she roared back at him and punched Lucas square in the face. She then grabbed his mouth and forced him to look at her. She revealed her fangs and mandibles to him. Without another word she bit him on his shoulder, while her hand blow Lucas waist began to move. Lucas's movements began to slow as Ida pumped the same vemon into him as she did Amay.

"Enough of this." She snarled as she pulled back from his shoulder as she move a little bit closer. "I will have you and there is nothing stopping me from doing so." She said finally loosing it with him and Amay.

Ida was so close and she needed to move a few inches to complete her goal. Before she could, she felt something hit her head. Her head quickly turned around and snarled at the figure. Anger flashed before her eyes as she saw Amay fully standing with one hand and a rock.

"You!!!" Ida roared as she was now seeing red.

Amay body still felt tingle, but she felt something in her push to get up and do something. She had enough strength in her to regenerate one hand, so she had a rock balled up ready to throw it at her bully again. "Let him go, bitch."

When she said those words, Ida couldn't help but laugh at the girl and even pulled her head back. She was at her breaking point, but couldn't hold back her laughter anymore. She looked fully at Amay at her damaged body and her missing arm.

"Can't you see I already won. I have the boy in my hands and he's so close to being inside of me, and you..." Ida said snickering a little. "And you think you can stop me. You couldn't even damage me in this form. And as I can see, you didn't use that little scapegoat of yours. So what makes you think you can stop me?" She asked with a crazed look on her face with green blood still coming from her mouth.

Amay dropped the rock and smiled. With her only hand, she pointed towards the upper part of the tree Ida held Lucas at. "That's how."

Ida had a confused look on her face and her heart dropped as she heard the wood crunching from above her head. She then realized the energy that was leaking and nearly made her quiver with fear. Her arms began to shake as every hair on her body started to rise. She slowly turned her head upwards to look at the figure. She nearly jumped out of her own skin when she saw that they were only a few inches from her face.

The figure gripped the tree and branch with enough force that visible cracks started to form. A light green aura coated her whole body as her hair nearly floated in the air. Her mouth was pulled back to reveal her sharp teeth and fangs. Her eyes were dilated to small dots. Instead of her usual blank emotionless face, pure anger and rage coated every inch of it.

Ida could hear a low shallow growl leave the girl's mouth. She didn't have to say a word for her to know what she wanted her to do. Her grip around Lucas loosened and caused him to fall to the ground as she took a giant leap back.

As Lucas fell, he landed softly in the arms of another being with grey skin. She didn't say a word as her cold yellowish-orange eyes looked down with sadness at the badly hurt boy. Her eyes then met with Amay's and caused her to look away with guilt. Her look told her enough along with her son's injuries. She closed her eyes and exhaled through her nose.

The ground below her and the entire forest itself began to shake as a monstrous aura left her body as she opened her eyes at the now scared spider.

"This power and magical force. This is her...." Ida though to herself as her whole body began to shake with fear. Sweat began to bead down her face as she hasn't been this scared in a very long time. Every fiber in her body was telling her to run, but from their looks and their power, she wasn't leaving that spot alive. A chill went down her spine when the girl in the tree spoke.

"Mother....may I?" Martha said barely able to form words with how high her anger was. The tree she was holding was nearly breaking from her grip as she focused on the target of her hatred.

"Martha. Bring me her crystal." Elizabeth ordered.