Chapter 88 (Final Chapter for Vol. 1)

"Being a mother is never easy," Elizabeth voice reached out.

The cold air flew over her as she opened the door to her basement. Her face was void of all emotions as she started her journey on the creaky stair case. Her eyes scanned the barely illuminated aura. She scanned all the left over or forgot things from her past that littered the floors. Yet, they were not her focus at the moment.

"You always think your prepared for every moment with your child, but life always throws you a curve ball. Or they don't turn out the way you wanted them too."

Elizabeth eyes then landed on a single wooden chair that sat in the corner of the room. She gracefully walked over to it, and began to drag it with her. As the chair started to scream across the floor, her mind became calm as she tried to control her anger. She then stopped as she came face to face with the door that once held Amay behind it. A once good way to keep her friend safe, now a cold reminder of her horrible action.

"Our child never know of the things we do for them behind closed doors, or the secrets we bury from them. Most of the time it's out of fear, love, or to keep them safe. Other's are because we, the parents, don't know how to tell them."

Elizabeth placed a hand on the doorknob, and slowly opened the door to the whiteroom. Her eyes then locked on the crystal in the middle of the floor with a emblem of a spider and a crack that seemed to have grown bigger on it. She dragged the chair in the room with her as she slowly approached the crystal. When she was close enough, Elizabeth placed the chair in a front facing position looking towards the crystal and made her way towards it. She then knelt down in front of the crystal and placed a hand over it.

"We love our children so much that our children will never fully understand why we do what we do for them. Sometimes it takes pushing ones emotions and pride to the side, in order to protect those we love."

Elizabeth took a deep breath as she began to heal Ida's crystal and give her some of her magical energy to come back.


Amay and Lucas both began to chuckle as they were focused on beating the other in the game. They both were silent as all they attention came down to a single blow as both of them were even in critical health and one good move could end it. There were seconds left on the timer as Amay blocked and moved away from Lucas while he was blocking and trying to attack her. As the time reached one second, Amay thumb slipped off the down button and caused Lucas to end the battle.

"Yes!!!" Lucas yelled as he throw his hands in the air. "The king is back!!"

"No fair my finger got sweaty." Amay began complained to Lucas, but couldn't help but laugh at how close they much was. "I was so close."

"You almost had me there. You were tanking a lot of my attacks and damage in the final moments." Lucas explained to her as he placed the controller down for a moment. "Man, I love tie breaking matches. Also helps that I have someone here that is good at this game as well."

"Yeah." Amay said before drifting topic as Elizabeth's request still plague her mind along with other things. She didn't realize as she muffled most of Lucas words out, until a gentle hand nudged her back to reality.

"Hey...are you okay?" Lucas softly asked her. He looked at her with concerned and worry for her. He watched as she took a deep before him. Her red eyes looked up at him with the same energy as him.

"Are you okay?" She redirected the question to him. "Ever since that day and today, you seemed a little off. So how are you doing, since the incident?" She asked him.

A cold wave of emotions comeover Lucas as his eyes became heavy. "What are you talking about? I'm fine." He lied to her with a chuckle. "I just-" He tried to continue, but felt her warm hand on his trembling left hand and felt her place a hand on his face. He looked into her red furious eyes that still felt like red oceans to him.

"Don't lie to me," She told him a serious tone as she avoided his look. Her face began to blush a little as she felt her heart began to race. She quickly remove her hand from his face as she gathered her composer. "I...I just had enough of people I like lying to me. So...please be honest with me."

Lucas's face slightly turned red as he looked away from a moment. His eyes began to dance around as he contemplated his opinions. He looked back at her and felt his chest tightened a little, before he sighed a little. He moved his hand from under Amay's as he leaned back against his bed.

"When I decided to do this whole thing, I was fine with magic and the idea of mystical creatures, like you, existing. But after getting my ass handed to me by two monsters, I...I just don't know."

"Actually fighting a creature like Bigfoot. His smell, the size, the hair, his strength, and the fear I felt, was one things. I can actually say I fought a creature like that. But it's so hard to wrap my head around. You know?" He said looking at Amay for a moment. "And I keep thing to my myself that "If I did know this magic, how screwed I would have been". Even then it has me wondering about all those scary stories of all those creatures that sounded fact or too hard to believe, might actually exist. That's a very hard pill to swallow."

He took a moment and shook his head as a chuckle came from his mouth. His tears began to form in his eyes as he soon began to think about the next situation.

"Then there was her. I....I...I felt so humiliated and disgusted." Lucas said as tears began to come down his face. "I hated how my body reacted when she kissed me and touched me. I swear I didn't want it, but my body acted like it did. I just wanted to disappear and get out of my own skin. I felt like I couldn't do anything."

Lucas took a moment to catch his breath and wipe his tears away. "Even now, I feel like I can smell and taste her. Her laughter still fills my ears at times."

"Lucas..." Amay said in a sad tone as she moved a little closer to him. She tried to place a hand on his shoulder, but pulled back when he slightly jumped.

"I think the worst of it all is how useless I felt when I couldn't help you. I was such a burden on you to the point you had to sacrifice your life in order to save me. While you took all the hits and risked everything to save me, I just sat there. I couldn't do anything to help you. Yet you risked everything for me. What kind of person am I for that?" Lucas said as he began to choke to hold back his tears.

"I just don't know. I have so many conflicting emotions about all of it and I just don't know. I can't blame no one but myself. Even then, part of me wants to blame my mom." He confessed to Amay. "I feel like she set me up to be attack, and just lied to me. I can't look her in the face without feeling this anger towards. Yet, I know she didn't mean too."

"I just don't know." He said nearly balling up infront of her "I feel like I wasted your time. I'm not strong, I'm just a weak burden. I'm a coward."

Lucas hung his head low as he began to slightly cry on his arms. He shivered a little as he felt nothing but shame. He couldn't even bring himself to look her way.

Amay looked at Lucas with sad eyes as she knew exactly where he was coming from. She felt her heart beat a little harder, but feel as if it was made out of stone. She began to look around herself as she got close to him, and began to hug him.

"Thank you, Lucas."

Lucas felt the urge to push her off and away from him, but stopped when she spoke to him.

"Thank you for risking your arm for me. Thank you for refusing to leave me and risking danger to bring me with you. Thank you for dragging me to safety when I passed out. And Thank you for trying to help me with my stupid idea," She told him and giggled on the last one.

"That moment we shared with our first time felt special, and I'm sorry for letting Ida go as far as she did. When she held you against that tree, I was willing to embrace that...thing, but you stopped me. I found my strength to stand and try to stop her again, because of you." She said holding onto him tighter.

"Then when Elizabeth was yelling at me, you stood up for me. You yelled back at her for yelling at me. You were so brave," Amay told him as she looked back at that moment.

"While you may not be strong and you still have so much to learn, you were the bravest person in that situation. So please don't think that way about yourself." She said tightening her hug around him.

"Amay...I" Lucas tears had stopped as he felt her words and her hug resonate inside of him. A small smile began to form on his face as he turned to hold her.

"I've thought about what you asked of me that night." Amay said looking down with a somber smile. "And I will do it, if you talk to me about your problems as well."

Lucas didn't have to ask or say anything as he held her. He could just feel it within him to know she meant what she said. He just held her back with a little quiver. He then felt something warm and slightly wet touch his check. His eyes then went wide as he realized it was a kiss. He then felt another one and felt her hands start to touch his body more.

"Amay no..stop." Lucas said before she got any lower or moved to kiss him on his lips. His hands held her shoulders as his hands started to tremble. "Please stop."

"Oh." Amay said looking around a little surprised. Her face was slightly red as she felt a little embarrassed. She noticed how his hands started to tremble as he was taking a deep breath. "Did I do something wrong?"

Lucas began to shake his head in a "no". He then slowly released his grip off of her shoulders.

"No. No. I just don't feel comfortable with how fast we are going. Can we please start slow?" Lucas said a little embarrassed to ask her.

"Slow?" Amay asked a little confused, but seeing how uncomfortable and scared he looked, she started to understand what he was meaning. "Okay. We can do that. Just let me know, okay?"

Lucas nodded his head as he took a deep breath and tried to relax. He looked forward towards Amay and lean in close to her and placed a light kiss on her lips. After a second, they slowly came in closer together to lightly kiss, before slowly moving up from there.

Back in the basement,

Elizabeth closed the door behind her leaving just the crystal and herself in the white room. She walked over to the chair and carefully had a seat as she crossed her legs and waited. A long sigh left her mouth as she watched as she room was soon bathed in a warm energy.

"Forgive me for what I'm doing." Elizabeth thought to herself as she watched as the crystal began to take shape. A heavy sensation came to her heart as she kept reminding herself of who she was doing this for.

The figures body began to take shape and allowed her to be reborn. As the light faded, a naked woman with black armor like skin that covered most of her torso, arms, legs, and up to her neck. Her hair was now long and brown as some hair was covering most of her arms and legs now. Her four eyes were not the black voids, but still their red then yellow color. She still had the line down her black lips. Her eyes began to scan the room in confusion on where she was along with the memories of what all happened.

"Ida Ōbuu of the Ōbuu Clan or better know as Clavata of the Silk. The escort that kills unsuspecting men to feed upon them or because someone hired them too." Elizabeth said as her skin turned grey and her yellowish-orange eyes pierced through the girl.

Ida could feel the coldness radiating off of the woman. As memories soon came back, the realization of who was talking to her began to make her stomach sick low and caused fear to go through her body. She began to scout herself far away from her as her entire body began to tremble.

"You....You're...her." Ida began to stumble on her words as she found herself holding her stomach as if she was going to be sick.

"That's right. I'm the mother of the boy, you nearly raped." Elizabeth said as her eyes became a deep orange as her aura filled the entire room. Her rage was showing as it wanted to consume the scared girl in front of her.

Ida felt the overwhelming pressure and the dread that came. She began to choke as her whole body became stiff. Drool began to come from her mouth as her tears began to fall. She body leaned forward as she forcefully throw up nothing on her empty stomach. Her body quivered with fear as she was now bowing before Elizabeth. A warm liquid began to run down her leg in fear.

Martha sat outside of the door and felt most of the power that leaked out even from behind the door that was supposed to conceal it. She was waiting to be given her order by her mother.

As Amay and Lucas continued their passionate kissing with him now on top of her, Lucas pulled away as he looked at her with concern.

"Do you feel that?" He said with her red lipstick on his face and neck. He then felt Amay's warm hand touch his face.

"Probably just Lizzy fighting Martha. Nothing to concern us." Amay said as her felt her body began to move from his touch. She felt the urge to kiss him again and pulled him back down towards her to continue. As their lips locked, she could feel her body become light. Even when he gently kissed her neck, she felt as if she was going to slip away.

Both soon continued to focus on their fun.

"Please...spare me..."Ida began to beg Elizabeth for her life. She knew how ridiculous it was for everything she did to her son and Amay, but she couldn't help it. Her vision began to blur as the room felt like it was shaking from Elizabeth's aura.

"The fact you are begging me after what you did to MY son and to MY friend makes my stomach sick. Beings like you don't deserve a second chance," Elizabeth coldly told her. Her aura soon faded as she raised up from the chair and walked towards Ida.

Ida closed her eyes tightly as she heard Elizabeth's footsteps. She was expecting the worst and began to pray as she knew she was at the mercy at one of the strongest beings around. She then heard her stopping infront of her. She didn't have to look up to tell her yellowish-orange burning eyes were looking down at her.

"Please spare me..."Ida began to beg for her life again. "I'll do anything. " She said as she tried to kiss Elizabeth foot, but she stepped back.

Ida could her Elizabeth take a deep breath before exhaling.

"Martha!" Elizabeth yelled out.

Ida entire body clenched up as she heard the door opened and smelt the dog's scent. Different ways of how she could die began to flash before her eyes by the girl with black and hazel eyes.

"Run a warm bath and lay out some clothes." Elizabeth told Martha catching Ida off guard. "Then gather both Amay and Lucas in the dinning area for me."

"Yes, ma'am." Martha said without questioning or giving it a second thought. She quickly turned around and went to do as she was told.

Elizabeth looked back at the confused woman as she knelt down in front of her avoiding her vomit and pee. She then looked at Ida who avoided eye contact with her.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you." Elizabeth coldly told Ida. She watched as Ida slowly, but surely focused her eyes on her. "Good. Now, I'm going to speak and you will listen to what I have to say. You will only answer if I ask you a question. Do you understand?"

"Yes, ma'am. " Ida answered in a scared voice.

"Good." Elizabeth said. "If this was any other situation, you would have been dead and destroyed. I would have given you a second, especially after what you did to my son. Believe me, I would have done so a thousand times for each mark you left on him." She said nearly snarling at Ida.

"But, I'm in a predicament. You are the second one to have found my son and Amay within a short time frame. And the second one to nearly hurt them badly. The problem is that you almost killed them. My fear is that another one is going to happen and this time....I won't make it in time." Elizabeth told her before looking down for a moment.

For a brief moment, Ida could see the concern and worry of Elizabeth.

"So here's your options. You can either die again and this time stay dead. I can let Martha have you, and let her decide whatever she wants. And I'm pretty sure, she will finish what she started in the forest. Or option C." Elizabeth told her with a straight face.

"Because your not going back nor am I sending you to their holding. You know too much and the last thing I need is for other Demi-Human to know he's real when he's not ready. You better hope Martha and I were able to hid his scent from that stunt you caused." Elizabeth's eyes forced in on Ida's. "Now choose."

Ida looked at Elizabeth and then thought about her options. She didn't want to die again, yet she also didn't want to see what the mutt of Elizabeth had planned. Her teeth began to chatter just thinking about it. Her mouth quivered a little as she was afraid to choose.

"Tick. Tock. I'm running out of patience," Elizabeth said as she raised her hand and her energy engulfed her hand taking the form of a energy blade. "Make your choice."

"C! I chose C! Please let me have C!" She began to cry. She closed her outs waiting to find out what happened. Yet, she just heard her laughing. She opened her eyes to see Elizabeth laughing at her.

"Glad to see you're not all stupid." Elizabeth told her. "Now would you like to know what that is?"

Ida gulped a little as she waited for her answer.

As Lucas started to pull off his shirt, he could feel Amay moving him closer. She too took off her shirt to reveal her red bra. Lucas hovered back over her and began to kiss her neck, his hand slowly began to reach under her bra. A soft moan left Amay's mouth as she moved her hand through his hair, trying to push him lower.

"Even with everything that's happened, being with her was the best part of any day." Lucas thought to him as he felt Amay's legs wrap around his waist. He pulled back to look at Amay as her pupils dilated to big red dots with wide slanted eyes. He noticed that her face was slightly blushing as she tried to cover herself a little.

"Do you...want to...go further?" She asked in a voice laced with lust.

"She's so cute." Lucas thought as he looked down at her. All the fear, he felt. All his worry. All the mix emotions. They all seemed to wash away as he looked at the he called a friend. He lowered himself back onto her and shared another passionate kiss.

They were so focused on their moment that they didn't noticed the door nob started to turned. Without thinking and simply doing the taste she was asked to do, Martha walked in on Lucas and Amay who stopped in there tracks.

Martha's hazel eyes looked at her half naked brother on top of a simi-dress Amay as they looked like a deer in headlights while saliva trailed from both of their mouths. Her eyes noticed how close they were, and could see the panic began to grow in them.

"Uhm...Fuck.."Lucas said pulling himself off of Amay as he quickly fixed his pants. He began to wipe his mouth as he swallowed the gathered saliva. "Martha..I can explain."

"Shit. Shit." Amay said as her face turned a bright red as she lifed up and covered herself. She tried to fix herself, but was in such a panic for words. She quickly turned to anger, and was about to yell at Martha when Martha held out one hand.

"Both of you straightened up and come downstairs to the kitchen. Mother wants to talk to you both." Martha spoke in a monotoned voice that was avoid of all emotions and went to close the door.

"Martha wait.." Lucas asked as he put on his shirt. He quickly went over to her and held the door opened. He looked his sister in her eyes as he was still a mess. "You're not going to tell mom about what you caught us doing, right?"

He asked as he felt his heart skipping a million beats as anxiety began to kick in.

"Do I need too?" Martha asked slightly tilting her head at her brother. Seeing all the red lipstick on his face and neck.

"I mean..I would rather you not." He said actually scared.

"Then I won't." Martha said looking him in the eyes. "Besides she would have been know about now, if I thought it was concerning."

Lucas was taken aback by this for a moment. He opened his mouth to ask how, but Martha was already one step ahead of him.

"I smelled her scent on you when we got to you on that day. Which reminds me." She said looking at Lucas before opening the door wider. "You." She called for Amay.

"What the hell do you want, Mutt? Can't you see I'm trying to cover up." Amay said scrambling to grab her shirt while still covering herself. Her hair was a mess and her face was still bright red.

"Thank you for keeping him safe as best you could. I am eternally grateful." Martha said in a voice with a bit of care.

"I...I.." Amay said a little shock as she wasn't expecting that. "Just close the door...and you're welcome."

Martha then turned her attention back to her brother. "Be downstairs after you straightened up, and wipe your face." She said trying to close the door again.

"One more thing," Lucas asked as he kept the door opened a little longer. He heard a low grumbly like growl come from Martha. She was letting him know, she was getting annoyed. "Sorry, but would you teach me how to fight. Please Sis." He asked in a almost begging way.

"Fine. Let me close the door and stop the water." Martha said a little annoyed. She watched as Lucas finally stepped back and allowed her to close the door. She let out a sigh as she pivoted on the heels of her feet and went to Elizabeth room to stop the running water.

Lucas looked at the door and slowly turned back around to the still shirtless Amay. He then walked over to hand her the shirt, and sighed.

"Next time make sure the door is locked," Amay said angrily taking the shirt from him and went to his bathroom to straightened up more.

Lucas just nodded his head and went over to his bed laying on it. He let out a sigh as he looked up to the ceiling for a moment. "How could this get any more worse?"

After a few minutes, both Amay and Lucas made their way down stairs. Lucas's face was a little read with embarrassment at Martha catching them, but was somewhat alright with her keeping it away from mom. So he just sighed. He hoped that whatever his mom had to sigh was something good. Without thinking he ran straight into the back of Amay who just suddenly stop.

"Hey. Are you alright?" He said looking down to see her frozen in a mixture of fear and anger. He then looked up to what she was seeing and froze with fear as well.

He saw his mom standing leaning against the island with a naked Ida standing next to her.

"What the fuck?" He said in a slow disbelief.

"Guys..Say hello to my new Demi-partner."

To be continued...