Life update and what's next

Hey everyone.

It's been a good minute since I posted or done anything else with the story wise. Let me start by saying sorry about that. Life took a turn in a direction that I needed to focus on real life for a good while. Everything's fine and I'm fine as well. I haven't forgotten about this story and have been figuring out what to do next and where to take the story from here. What started as a person mission during covid and way to test the waters on my own skills, has now become something I wanna commit to. Granted life is still life and I still have some responsibilities I need to take care of in my own life. I want to make this a series that will soon turn into a person hobby and drive to be the next best writer around. I have plans to one day, hopefully, expand this story and others that will come into its own hard back or comic series. However, for now this will be the best way to express and tell the story I've dreamt about along with a good friend of mine.

So that being said: Let's kick off the last little bit of this year and 2024 with the next part of the story. Thank yall for following and waiting patiently for so long. I promise to make this second part, something to remember.

