Vampire Diaries 47: Without Saying Goodbye


"If you'll go and see her tonight, you will regret it until the rest of your life!"

"Don't you come here again and show yourself to me! I will never hesitate to hurt a woman like you!" My eyes narrowed while glaring on her.

I have wasted so much time, talking with someone who only came back to ruin my life again. She's out of the place and I don't want to go back to the past.

Katerina cover her mouth with her bare hand. Without a word, she pushes the chair away and faces me. "I'll do everything to make you mine, again! If I failed once, this time, I should not be!"

Her eyes burn inside as a warm wind blows up. Her hair was carried out by it, yet, Katerina remains smirking.

"Watch over and focus on yourself. No one will do it for you."

"Turn your back on me again," she paused for a moment. "You'll be in pain."