Finished Reading A Whole Book in One Second

Avion stopped time while he hugged the book. He took the book and made him pleasantly surprise.

The book was movable in the stoppage of time.

"Hehehehe!" Avion laughed. This way, he could study the book while still being to laze around.

Why was he patient? It is because he had infinite supply of time! 

He just need to stop time and laze around. Sleep anywhere and after that, his mind was reset. Although he doesn't revert his body as much back then to not waste his effort and make him stronger, he take a huge toll of time of resting and lazing around.

Once he got bored of resting, he would've full energy to do what he must. If he was feeling lazy again, then he would rest.

Without wasting any time, he actually both accomplished his work while not getting bored at it.

Avion was spoiled by the world before. How could he change that much overnight and have the ability of great endurance and perseverance?