When Suddenly...

In the realm without time, Avion had his mask off as there was a cool air enveloping him. His sleep becoming comfortable just right then, he woke up.

Everything was still black and white but on top of him was a maiden's face. Her eyes closed but seemingly staring at him.

"Finally awake..."

Feeling comfortable on the lap pillow, Avion closed his eyes again before turning around.

"The audacity." Darea frowned, "You think you can use my lap after you rest?"

"I'm still resting though."

"I'm losing my patience. You have already slept for hours while I am here, doing nothing, waiting for you to wake up."

Avion's ugly appearance then peeked at her. He finally sat up and stretched his body.

Meanwhile, Darea has a face of surprise which soon changed.

Overclocking groups of objects to their limits made Avion mentally tired. He could collectively Overclock them but the burden was heavier than just Blast Throwing one stone.