New Generation

"Did you say something, Master?"

"Nothing, I just said hurry up." Darea coldly snorted.

"Hmph!" Avion frowned, a little bit disappointed at her, he thought she would be cheering him, "Once I succeeded, I'm going to abuse you." he was too focused on his task once time resumes to hear the Conqueress's thoughts earlier.

Darea's cheeks became rosy, "Avion, context and wording! Good thing no one can hear you except us." she turned her head away.

"O-oh..." Avion scratched his head, "So-sorry..."

"Never mind, just finish this."


If any of the Nine Generals under the Conqueress heard Avion's words, "I'm going to abuse you." towards their ruler, how are they going to react? On top of it, the Conqueress herself didn't mind it even though those words were said in front of her face. Once again, how are they going to react?