The Dragon Versus the Molester

As soon as the host left, the match has officially begun.

However, the two fighters have only stared at each other.

Dragonian Sheran under the guise of her own imaginary sister 'Seran' inwardly sighed.

'This is all too sudden. Right after I learned that Gamon has already known my secret, we were taken to a dungeon. Before that, he said that I should hide who I am and try the Eypex Challenge... who names these things?'

However, she didn't have any qualms about it.

'I wonder what others are doing right now...' while she ponders as if she forgot that she was in the middle of an "intense" match, her opponent, the Molester, Komrad shouted.

"Dragon Lady Seran, a pleasure to meet you! Thanks for your sacrifice. Because of you, I will taste freedom after so many years! But do not feel bitter, my darling, once I go outside, I will amass wealth and when I come back, I will buy you as a slave, Kyahkyahkyah!"