Taking Advantage

"Hurry up, don't let it get away." Within the forest, there were two figures chasing an injured Blue Wolf intently. 

Qin Feng was next to Qin Yang and he was slightly out of breath. They had encountered a wolf pack earlier and the leader was a wolf demon of the Foundation Establishment Stage cultivation level. The rest of the wolf demons numbered around 10 and came in all sizes, big and small. Thankfully the Qin family was a vassal family to the Beastmaster sect and have learned many techniques to deal with demon beasts or otherwise they might not have been able to deal with that many wolf demons. 

Even though they managed to lure the demon wolf pack into a trap, during the battle, there were a couple of wolf demons that managed to escape from their restraints. They escaped and ran away while injured.

Qin Long still wanted to defeat that Foundation Establishment Stage wolf demon so he sent the clan people to chase after the escaped blue wolves. At the same time, he hoped to train his son, which was why he let Qin Feng follow behind Qin Yang to receive a bout of training. 

As a result, the chase brought them across a few hills, but they still did not manage to catch up to it. Qin Feng cursed inwardly as he watched the blue wolf in front of him hobbling away. He turned towards Qin Yang to ask, "Isn't this guy injured? Why is it still so fast when it's running with only three legs?"

"The wolf demons are the most dedicated and their endurance is amazing. It is not by chance that it can cross such distances. However, there's no need to worry. After running such a distance it should've nearly exhausted all of its energy. It's not going to escape from our hands."

Qin Yang said that as he increased the speed of his feet. At the same time, he cast a spell sending a ball of flames flying across the air which landed on the back of that blue wolf demon that was as large as a calf.

The wolf demon howled in pain and its body tumbled onto the ground. It wanted to crawl up and resume running. However, after such a long time trying to escape as well as the wound on its broken leg, its body could no longer keep going. The wound had not closed up causing it to lose too much blood. Now that it had fallen, there was no way that it could get back up.

"Haha, so you can't run anymore huh?" Qin Feng saw this and was instantly jubilant. He also raised his hand to cast a spell. Summoning a ball of flames, he threw it towards that wolf demon. 

However, his ball of flames was not fit for comparison when compared to the spell cast by Qin Yang. Not only was it only the size of a fist, but he also missed when he threw it over so it fell to the ground, stirring up a cloud of dust. He did not manage to harm a single hair on that wolf demon.

"Haha…" a peal of laughter rang through. At the same time, a magic sword flew through the air and pierced straight into the heart of that wolf demon, pinning it to the ground.

Qin Feng was stunned. That was because the laughter did not come from QIn Yang who was standing beside him. Similarly, that magic sword was also not owned by Qin Yang. He looked in the direction of the sound and saw a couple of figures emerge from the woods in the distance. It turned out to be the sons of the Huang family. 

Qin Feng recognized the leader of the group. It was the eldest son of the Patriarch Huang—Huang Yulang. Of course, there was no lack of people behind him as his posse.

"Huang Yulang, what are you guys doing here?" Qin Feng asked full of curiosity.

"Hmph, I should be asking you the same thing," Huang Yulang wore a smug expression as he continued, "You've crossed the line. Can't you see that this area of forest is the one assigned to our Huang family? We're in charge of clearing the forest here."

"Huh?" both of them were stunned. After another closer look, they finally realized that they had been too focused on chasing that blue wolf demon that they had somehow trespassed into the Huang family area. However, that was not a huge deal. 

"Fine, we'll leave right away once we've packed up the wolf demon," said Qin Yang as he walked towards the wolf demon. He was going to carry it away and deal with it properly once they were back.

"Hold on!" Huang Yulang barked. "This wolf demon has entered the area that the Huang family is in charge of. Furthermore, it was killed by my clan brother. This is our kill, it belongs to us and you have no right to butt in."

"That's bullsh*t!" Qin Yang raged in anger, "Didn't you see that the wolf demon had already been injured by us? For you to jump in like this, are you trying to take advantage of our efforts?"

"That's right. I'm taking advantage of you. What can you do about it?" Huang Yulang gave a cold smile and continued, "Since you've entered the Huang family area, that belongs to our Huang family. If I say that you can't take it with you, you can't take it with you. I'm only following the rules. Qin Yang, how dare you break the rules?"

"You…" Qin Yang lost his temper and took a step forward with flames appearing from his hands.

Huang Yulang's expression did not change. However, a couple of clansmen standing behind him rushed up at the same time, pulling out their magic swords all at once. They gazed coldly at Qin Yang while their swords reflected with a chilling light in all directions.

"Whatever. Brother Yang, it's only a wolf demon. There's no need to waste our breath on these jerks," Qin Feng said while tugging at Qin Yang's arm, trying to pull him back.

A wise man knows when to retreat. They were outnumbered by the Huang family and were not a match for them. After all, Huang Yulang did make some sense. Since they had trespassed into their area, if the Huang family were unwilling to give them the killed prey then there was no way they could argue.

"Hmph," Qin Yang grunted frostily, "How dare you snatch my prey right out of my hands. This isn't over, just you wait."

"Do you really think I'm scared of you?" Huang Yulang seemed completely unperturbed. The two families have always had small conflicts. After all the tussles in the past, nothing had ever come of it.

"Yulang, isn't it kinda bad to do that?" said a tall youth standing next to Huang Yulang as he watched the retreating figures of Qin Feng and Qin Yang. "There have always been grievances between our two families but it's mostly verbal arguments. Snatching prey has never really been done before."

"It's fine." Huang Yulang waved his hand casually and continued, "After all this wolf demon ran into our area on its own accord. What are you afraid of?"

Huang Yulang was secretly rejoicing inside. He was about to enter the Taiyi Golden Grotto sect as a disciple. Once he entered the sect, he could only rely on himself. Of course, he needed to take the chance to accumulate as much resources as he could in the meantime. This wolf demon could be exchanged for some spirit stones. That was an advantage that presented itself to him, only an idiot would refuse it. 

On the other side, Qin Yang was fuming as he walked. His heart was full of repressed anger. Qin Feng did not try to console him. No good would come out of that. It would be better to find another time to get back at them.

They turned a corner and were preparing to cross a small stream when Qin Feng suddenly saw what appeared to be a familiar figure out of the corner of his eye. He turned his head to check it out and in that instant saw that it was that Heaven Swallowing Toad. The same one that had previously appeared in the family's spirit orchard.

Even though there were other toads and frogs close by to this stream, however, this Heaven Swallowing Toad was different compared to the other toad species. One encounter was all it took and Qin Feng would never forget what it looked like.

He gently tugged Qin Yang and they hid behind a large green rock. Qin Yang looked in the direction of Qin Feng's gaze and saw a toad that was about the size of a child's fist. He had not noticed it at the beginning but very quickly he got a big shock.

This was because a single-hop sent the toad flying hundreds of feet across to the other side of the stream. It stuck its tongue out and actually caught a red-banded snake that was at least 5 feet long. The toad then consumed that fiery red snake like it was eating noodles and easily swallowed up that snake that was more than 10 times its size. After the toad had eaten that red-banded snake, very swiftly in hops and leaps, it bounded off.

Qin Feng pulled QIn Yang and said, "Let's follow it. Perhaps we might be able to find the lair of that Heaven Swallowing Toad."

Qin Feng had developed quite an interest in that Heaven Swallowing Toad. It was extremely rare to find a creature like the Heaven Swallowing Toad that could create space within its body and swallow all sorts of spiritual beasts. This type of special ability was not considered much at its early stage. However, if it was able to cultivate to the highest level, it would be extraordinarily powerful.

However, his father said that this type of spiritual beast was not easy to nurture because it needed too many resources. Hence, nurturing it was not something that many cultivators would be able to afford to do.

Nevertheless, Qin Feng was different. He had the Demon Refinement Kettle. Each level of grotto in the Demon Refinement Kettle could be used to help a spiritual beast merge with the bloodline of other spiritual beasts of the same species.

The reason why it was so difficult for the Heaven Swallowing Toad to advance through the levels was that it needed a huge amount of resources to nurture the space within its body. However, if this Heaven Swallowing Toad acquired the bloodline of other similar toad species, it could then use other cultivation methods to advance to an even higher stage. Once at a higher level, it would then be able to make up for the space within its body. Would that not be easier?

Hence, Qin Feng was extremely excited. He wanted to give it a try. If he succeeded, he would hit the jackpot.