Defense Specialist

"Yes." Zhang Yun pushed the button without delay. His field of vision immediately switched to one of his Tidal Murlocs in battle. The advantage of using such followers was clear. He could hide in a safe environment while using their perspective to observe his enemies at any time. However, without his leadership, they would have to fight their enemies using their own intellect. For creatures that had low intelligence, that would be no different from suicide. Later on, he could use his Legacy as a summoner to learn various buffs and auras. If he were not on the battlefield, the combat capabilities of his followers and heroes would be reduced several fold. Hence, he could only use this for scouting. If he were to engage in a large scale battle, Zhang Yun would still need to personally lead his party. As for high-level followers which automatically farm low-level maps to increase their levels, that would be a different matter…

From his Tidal Murloc's view, Zhang Yun could see a four-meter long horned python constricting one of them. It was struggling, but couldn't force the python loose. The other Murlocs were using their scimitars to strike the python but failed to wound it.

"They can't penetrate its defense?" Zhang Yun mumbled to himself, surprised. He was not standing next to the python, so its stats were not visible, along with the damage caused by the other.

Similarly, the Tidal Murloc's conditions and remaining hit points were also invisible to him. He could only judge their situations through what he could see. The logic was similar to him being unable to command the Murlocs from afar, and could be considered as a restriction on players by the developers. Otherwise, some good players may fight dozens of bosses at the same time to farm for materials and affect the game's ecosystem.

However, his testing yielded something, at least. Now, Zhang Yun was clear that it was not safe in this jungle. There was a monster that could easily wipe out level 1 Tidal Murlocs.


"There might be even more powerful monsters here…"

As Zhang Yun was still thinking, the python had already killed the Tidal Murloc it was constricting. It opened its bloody jaws and snapped towards the other Tidal Murloc that was striking its head with a scimitar. At this point, the dead Tidal Murloc activated its Symbiosis ability. Strange liquid began to seep out from its body, turning its purple skin light green and seemingly allowed it to possess some semblance of life. It grabbed the scimitar that dropped to the ground, and violently stabbed the python's defenseless belly.


The scimitar plunged into its belly, gashing it. Blood began to flow out as the python let out a painful wail.

"Oh? It specialized in Defense?" Zhang Yun said in surprise when he noticed what had happened.

Its scales with high-level defense stats could block attacks from level 1 Tidal Murlocs despite them being equipped with weapons. It could perhaps even block the attacks of high-level followers. However, the belly was its critical weakness. Not only was it defenseless against the attacks of the Tidal Murlocs, it also couldn't resist the attacks of the parasites, with only half their stats. That meant the python in front of them was not really something to be feared, and its level and stats would not be that high. He could still take it out using a little strategy. Unfortunately, the Tidal Murlocs did not have high enough intelligence to notice its weakness. Their uncoordinated assault at the exposed back of the snake was deflected away with a bang.


"That's not right!"

Zhang Yun looked worriedly at their battle. No wonder despite their good skill, the Tidal Murlocs were only worth One-Star.

'They were too stupid!'

They had already seen their enemy losing blood, but instead of salting the wound, they were hitting their target's toughest spot!

'Are you smithing?

'Or are you smelting?'

If these were Two-Star or Three-Star followers, they would definitely have realized the python's weakness, and then focus their attacks on its belly. Those that were smarter would even cooperate, where one would attract its attention while the others focused on its weakness. Unless the python gave up on the offensive and coiled itself, it would be slain by his followers' attacks. 

Its belly was too weak. Just one strike was enough to make it bleed a great deal.

"Just as I thought. Hoping that free characters could survive on their own is a mistake. It's best if I'm leading them myself!" Zhang Yun sighed, unsummoned and resummoned the Tidal Murlocs that were not in combat.

"Come, follow me into the jungle!"

As soon as the Tidal Murlocs that were looking left and right thoughtlessly heard his orders, they immediately surrounded him and followed him into the jungle. The Tidal Murlocs were pretty fast, and he was not far from his destination. So, when Zhang Yun had arrived, the python still had not killed the three unfortunate Murlocs.

He promptly assumed command of the battle, "Seven of you, scatter and surround the python. The ones facing its head, attack its jaws. The ones by its side, find a way to stab its belly. The ones behind it, if you can't hit it, then climb on it and try to reach its neck and give it some pressure. Best if you can control its head.

"The one that was bitten, give up on the struggle and play dead, and see if it would let you go. The one over there, stop attacking its back, find a way to stab its stomach…"

That was the Summoner's Legacy skill, "Command." It allows direct command of one's followers, allowing them to understand the user's intention and complete them. Even if it was a mindless minion without any intelligence, it would be able to execute Zhang Yun's orders perfectly. If he wanted it to turn left, it would not turn right. If he wanted to raise its hand, it would not raise its leg. It made things convenient.

Once Zhang Yun's level had increased, he had no need to issue commands using his voice. His followers would be able to understand with but a thought.



'Telepathic command.'

If it were higher-level heroes, he didn't even need to think about it nor would he need to issue any orders. That was because the more intelligent heroes would set their own strategy…

With Zhang Yun's arrival as reinforcement, the Tidal Murlocs suddenly became more aggressive. Every one of them hissed as they rushed the python. According to his leadership, they surrounded the python.




The Tidal Murlocs unleashed their war cries as they attacked with the intention of intimidating and weakening the python with their language.

When the horned python was surrounded, it became anxious momentarily and threw away the Murloc playing dead in its mouth, then tackled its surrounding enemies.

Zhang Yun immediately ordered, "Now is a good chance! Pick up your scimitar and strike at its belly!"

The Tidal Murloc that was playing dead immediately stood up and took the scimitar by its side and began to attack it. As the Murloc was in the middle of its body, all of its attacks landed on the python's defenseless belly.


As the blade of the scimitar slashed its belly apart, the python's blood splashed the Murloc, dyeing it red. A more detailed prompt also flashed in Zhang Yun's view, including the message that the Tidal Murloc had gotten a critical strike, dealing double damage, and the python had lost around 40 HP. The HP bar on its head had also been reduced by around one-fifth.

"Huh? Only around 200HP? Looks like it really is a low-level creep!" Zhang Yun smiled as his sense of danger had reduced significantly.

"Continue, Tidal Murlocs! Go and attack its belly!

"Kill it!"