Rock Island Rabbit Hotpot

In the evening, after one day's worth of hard work, Zhang Yun felt that he needed to reward himself.

While he was not an expert, he knew how to make some simple dishes. With the special items within his Storage, he could make a hotpot to reward himself!

With that in mind, Zhang Yun took out the "Tome of Gourmet" from his Storage and flipped open the book cover.

[Equipment Name: Tome of Gourmet (Limited)]

[Rarity: *****]

[Limit Break Number: Max]

[Level: Max]

[Ability: Magical Seasonings (After expending a certain amount of Magic Stones, it can summon the seasonings needed to make all the world's recipes.)]

[Summary: This is a magical tome that will allow you to have a taste of the world's most delicious food!]

The Tome of Gourmet was a book that could be used to summon oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar as well as other seasonings. There were also recordings of recipes in it. That was an item that Zhang Yun managed to loot from a boss during the "Gourmet Feast Event."

There were plenty of players that focused on crafting skills, they did not like to fight or anything like that, and instead liked to play relaxingly by using their cooking skills for example. That was why that item was very popular, and Zhang Yun had somewhat of an impression of it.

Of course, when bored, he would make some of the dishes from the real world using it to satisfy his cravings…

Zhang Yun flipped the Tome of Gourmet and mumbled, "Let me see, what do I need to make a Rabbit Hotpot. Carrots, lettuce, bean curd skin, ginger, spring onions, garlic… Alright, I'll use this other world's Rock Island Rabbit to make it. It shouldn't taste that bad!"

He memorized the recipe, and then closed the Tome of Gourmet. He first took out the basic items from the Storage to make a hotpot, and then took out a few Rock Island Rabbits from his inventory. He first removed the rabbits' tough fur and washed it. He then took out the soy sauce, corn starch, egg whites, cooking wine, salt, onion, and other seasonings and marinated it for half an hour.

He expended some Magic Stones and used the Tome of Gourmet to summon the soup base for the hotpot as well as other seasonings that were needed later.

After lighting up the stove, he added oil, then added ginger, chili, and other seasonings and began to stir them in the pot. After stirring for a while, he then added the hotpot soup base until he could smell a deep and fragrant aroma. He then added the rabbit meat and hot water, and let it boil…

After he completed his hotpot, he took a deep breath as he let the spicy aroma enter his nostrils. He sighed, "Wow! Aromatic! This is really aromatic! As expected of the magical seasonings summoned by a magic tome, it would easily dominate most of the hotpot shops back in reality!"

He came closer to the hotpot's boiling soup, used a pair of chopsticks to pick up a piece of rabbit meat, and slowly put it into his mouth.

'One word!


The rabbit meat was fresh and soft. As the spicy soup flowed into his mouth, it was hard for him to describe the excitement he felt. It was as if he was set ablaze.

"Whoa! I can't stop this anymore!" Zhang Yun could not hold it back any longer, took the bowl next to him, and began to feast on the rabbit meat from the hotpot.

"Wow! This is delicious! A bit spicy! But this is great!


"Gonna drink a bit of water and continue later!


After he was full, Zhang Yun cleaned up and had his Murlocs scatter around, guarding the surroundings. He began to set up the tent where he would sleep.

Because Zhang Yun had scouted one-third of the island in the morning, he noticed that the most powerful monsters here were the Armored Pythons. Therefore, he did not need to hide on the beach where he could get a clear view of his surroundings. He could instead directly rest in the jungle.

If there were enemies at night, they would give the Murlocs XP. Once they reached level 10, they could then unlock their class' EX skills and greatly increase their own abilities.

With free equipment from events which became equipable at level 10, their power would become even greater. They could easily defeat the Armored Python with strong scales on its back that they could not before.

He could level up and increase proficiency levels without doing anything. What a life!

While his dreams were sweet, reality can be disappointing. An uninvited guest's appearance ruined his plan…

[Warning! Tidal Murloc was attacked! It was slain!]

Zhang Yun, "?"

'Instantly killed?

'What was that?'

Before Zhang Yun could see what was happening, another Murloc that was on guard had been killed. The system prompt had once again appeared.

[Warning! Tidal Murloc was attacked! It was slain!]

"Damn! Instantly killed two! Is this an elite monster?"

Zhang Yun could not afford to be careless, so he quickly pulled back all the Murlocs that were not prepared for combat, and then ordered them to scatter around him about three meters away, waiting expectantly.

"Come out!" Zhang Yun used himself as bait.

However, even as the wind blew and revealed the rocks beneath the grass, his enemies did not appear.


'So careful?!'

Zhang Yun was speechless. It could instantly kill two Tidal Murlocs, which meant that it was quite powerful and definitely one of the island's conquerors.

These types of creatures would normally be quite arrogant. Once they knew that the Tidal Murlocs were quite weak, they would directly attack them.

Just like when a wolf came for a lamb. It would not be afraid of a herd of lambs. It would directly jump into the herd.

After that bout of testing, it must have known its speed and reaction surpassed that of the Murlocs. There was no need to worry if its attack would force its prey to escape.

At most, it would worry about being injured by the Murlocs…

"If that is the case, I will have to be proactive. Murloc Number 1, can you go over and check the bodies of those two Murlocs?"

After receiving Zhang Yun's command, the Murloc that was named Murloc Number 1 took out the scimitar from his belt, then hopped towards its companions' corpses.

At the same time, Zhang Yun switched his field of vision to the Murloc's and looked into the bushes.

The enemy was gone.

The Murloc's corpse was also gone.

"It ran?" Zhang Yun was curious, and quickly had the other Murlocs scatter about and find where the enemy was in the jungle.

Still, nothing.

Even when a Murloc was very far away, no enemy had taken advantage of it and attacked it.

"Hm, hit and run?" Zhang Yun squinted his eyes and had the Murloc that went off to explore return. He was going to use normal resurrection items to revive the two Murlocs that had been killed.

At this time, Zhang Yun had a change of heart.

He originally thought that the monsters on this island were all low-level monsters. He was going to spend the next two days exploring and finding a way to cross the ocean at his leisure. It was not an appropriate time for him to farm the creeps at night, so he was going to use it purely for resting.

However, he did not expect that there was a monster sneaking about on the island, and it was even quite strong.

Instantly, Zhang Yun's interest was piqued. Therefore, he planned to quicken his pace, directly level up the Murlocs at night and find out where the monster was.

"We can't allow ourselves to be ambushed without giving back anything in return, can we?

"I can't lose my dignity!"

Zhang Yun gave the Murlocs new orders and had five of them form a team. He actually had formed two teams. One team to remain here and guard his surroundings. The other group headed towards the direction where the enemy had appeared. No limit to the distance, simply continued onwards.

If they were to encounter any normal monsters, he had one word for them, attack!

With the Tidal Murlocs' current combat capabilities, they would be able to kill a monster in two or three hits and quickly level up as long as they did not encounter any monsters that specialized in something, such as the Armored Pythons.

If they were to encounter the enemy just now, he also had one word for them, attack!

It would be best if they could defeat it. It was also alright if they could not because all he wanted was to have a clear view of it so that he could estimate the difference between them.

Since Zhang Yun had all the time in the world to formulate a strategy against it…