Oldman Haha

Zhang Yun looked at the minions the Commander had summoned. It was just as the skill's introduction had described. They were the same level as the Commander, and their abilities were not weakened at all.

However, as they were summoned by followers, they were considered to be summoned creatures. They did not have access to the experience mechanics, and therefore would not be able to level up as well as being countered by skills that were specialized against summoned monsters.

"Well, it's two free minions. So it's fine even if they're just summoned monsters."

Afterward, Zhang Yun then placed the two summoned Murlocs on the front line. With three Murlocs being at the forefront opening up the path, the speed of their advancement had improved somewhat. With that, half a day had passed.

After the battle in the morning, Zhang Yun's party and the scouting party had reached the beach on the East and West. They had then unlocked three-fourths of the island's map.

The only remaining unexplored area was to the North. That was where the rocky barrens that they had encountered the giant worm was located, as well as some smaller areas scattered around the jungle.

"Not bad. And just as planned, I could finish exploring the map in three days…"

Zhang Yun sat on a hard rock, and in front of him was the game's map that looked like it was given form through digital projection. Underneath it was the roasting rack that he took out from the Storage, and it was roasting a chicken from the other world.

The chicken was called "Color-Shifting Chicken." Just like the Rock Island Rabbit, it was considered to be at the bottom of the food chain. They used their ability to change color like a chameleon to avoid the carnivores on the island.

Zhang Yun felt that it might be delicious, so he captured one just to make it into his lunch.

"I should head to the North and then have some fun with that worm, then I can look for ways to cross the sea.

"For now, I should eat the chicken first."

Zhang Yun then took the tongs next to him and shredded a large piece of chicken drumstick, gave it a blow or two, and then dug into it.

Instantly, the smell of charred skin entered his nose, stimulating Zhang Yun's taste bud.

Using the seasonings that the Tome of Gourmet had summoned, the chicken drumstick carried a light, alcoholic fragrance, tempting him. The sweetness was very obvious in his mouth, and it could contrast the freshness of the chicken. The aftertaste was quite strong too.

Zhang Yun closed his eyes and gave it a good taste. As he munched on the crispy chicken skin and the tender chicken meat, its was a taste hard to forget.

"Ah! Long-live the coke! Long-live the chicken drumstick!

"Sad. I don't have any coke here. I feel that this meal has lost its soul.


"I remember that the Tome of Gourmet seemed to have a recipe for making coke?

"I should try it later when I have the chance…"

After eating his fill, Zhang Yun then recalled the scouting party that was exploring the coast. He then led them towards the rocky barrens to the North.

This time, with all his Murlocs by his side and the protection of the Murloc Commander, Zhang Yun did not drag his feet while journeying. Instead, he went over as fast as he could, and reached the rocky barrens after four hours.

He reached the location where the worm had appeared, and carefully scanned the surroundings. He noticed that the hole that it made was still here, but the underground tunnel had already been buried by soil and rocks.

It was definitely not buried by men. It should be the worm's special ability, to be able to bury the tunnels that they had made.

Fine. Seems like he had to give up on directly chasing after the worm through the tunnel…

There was nothing he could do. That being said, he should not force it when it was not in the cards. When it was time for it to come out, it would naturally do so. It would be pointless for him to be worried about it.

With that, Zhang Yun gave up on pursuing that big worm and quickly headed north, to open up the fogged area on the island.

It was the same during his journey. It was all low-level creatures, and they all died after a few strikes by the Murlocs.

Zhang Yun had then very quickly completed the exploration on the rocky barrens and reached a cliff by the sea on the North.

His three-dimensional map had also turned from mostly black to mostly green and it had recorded most of its basic features, other than the areas that he really did not have the time to explore.

However, those areas looked very ordinary. There was no need for him to go over and take a look, so it was fine if he did not unlock the map…

He looked at the seawater constantly crashing into the cliffs, Zhang Yun shook his head, "I had miscalculated. This is just a normal island. There isn't any treasure hidden here.

"I have wasted three days…

"Hm. I didn't exactly waste three days. At least I've got my levels up and had a few good meals?

"Fine, I should stop thinking about it. It's more important to cross the ocean. I should forget about those monsters that ambushed me as well since I might meet more interesting monsters down the line.

"There is no need to waste my time here. I should leave when the time comes, and start a new journey!"

With that, Zhang Yun entered his Storage and took out a few items from inside.

He had already formulated a plan on crossing the ocean before he went exploring. While it was dangerous, it was quite doable, and it saved resources…

The plan was to summon some special followers with crafting abilities and use the resources on the island to make a small ship that could cross the ocean. A raft would do as well.

Then, summon a party of oceanic followers that could move in the ocean. Some of them could then cooperate with the Murlocs as guards, and the others would be tied up with ropes at the bow of the ship, where they would act as propellers to move the ship onward.

As this had some requirements on the usage of Diamonds, they would not be rolled from the card pools. They would have to be chosen from the Calling Cards, to guarantee that they would have a rating of three-star or below.

If that was the case, there was only one follower that could craft the ship. One of the game's so-called "The Seven Manufacturing Garbage", Oldman Haha.

Oldman Haha's original name was Soran. His special ability was to create items from wood. His combat capabilities were almost zero.

As he would laugh "Hahahaha" on every occasion, that was how he got such a foolish nickname.

In the beginning, when the server had just been opened, everyone's card pool was quite shallow, and the players and their followers were puny. They could not defeat many of the more powerful bosses.

Many of them had depended on Oldman Haha to craft wooden crossbows and bolts, and slowly grind bosses to death. Soon, they quickly leveled up and obtained resources, and surpassed the other players.

However, as the game progressed, weapons made of wood could no longer deal enough damage. At this time, other heroes with crafting skills had been released. Oldman Haha became an obsolete rubbish card.

Since its rating was only two-star. It was considered quite good to be popular when the server just opened. Compared to the three-star rubbish that was thrown into the Storage from the beginning to the end, at least he had a far better experience…

Zhang Yun was planning to use Oldman Haha to craft a wooden ship. And then collaborate with a group of low-rating oceanic followers. As long as he was lucky and avoided the powerful sea monsters and storms, he would be able to safely make it to the next landmass. If he encountered the above two things, he would be forced to use the Summoning Scrolls and Resurrection Tokens as needed.

In the end, he was just gambling, to see if he was that lucky. So that he did not need to spend Diamonds.

Looking at the Calling Card for Soran, he could not help but pray, "Oldman Haha, I'm depending on you now. Hopefully, the wooden ship that you make can be slightly bigger, slightly harder, and it won't flip over just because of a small wave.

"I don't want to roll for the other six from the card pools…

"It's too dangerous…"

With that, Zhang Yun took a deep breath and he was going to summon Oldman Haha.



At this time, the ground began to shake and an earthquake-like rumble came from underneath. It was like lava was going to burst forth, and it interrupted Zhang Yun's summoning ritual.

At the same time, a giant bird with a wingspan of 2 meters descended from the sky after it let out a piercing screech from up high.

Finally, a pitch-black wolf rushed out from the rocky barrens and appeared in front of Zhang Yun within a few seconds.

[Warning! Boss-level Creature "Tunneling Worm King" had appeared!]

[Warning! Boss-level Creature "Storm Eagle" had appeared!]

[Warning! Boss-level Creature "Twilight Wolf" had appeared!]