A Ship?

Thanks to Brother Mikoto's hard work, the Twilight Wolf had finally been slain.

The remaining Storm Eagle was a clever eagle. It knew that without the Twilight Wolf, it would not be able to defeat Brother Mikoto and Zhang Yun. Therefore, it quickly flapped its wings and escaped.

In truth, it had been thinking of escaping. But then, the Twilight Wolf had called for it and the Ice Elemental had been killed, so it thought it had a chance to win this…

"Run, run. It's just a normal boss. It's corpse probably had little use anyways."

He did not care about the bird, and Zhang Yun let the Earth Elemental bring him back to the surface. He then put away the corpse of the Twilight Wolf and the Worm King.

At the same time, the system's prompt had also appeared.

[Unexpected Quest – Outsider, Completed.]

[Receive Quest Rewards: 10 Diamonds, Resurrection Token x1.]


"10 Diamonds~

"You really can trigger quests in this world~


Zhang Yun's day was brightened and he quickly accepted the quest rewards. He then used the resources within his Storage to revive all his followers that had died.

Unlike summoning followers, they could only be revived after combat had ended, or after leaving combat. They could not be revived directly during a fight. Alternatively, after the player had been killed and used Resurrection Tokens to revive himself, it would then reset the followers' life and they would immediately be revived.

That was because if followers could be revived during a battle, then the players would use that to grind all the bosses with their trained main units, and directly skip most of the game's other process.

Normal resurrection items were not that pricy, and they could be bought using normal gold pieces (GP).

The developers could not really limit too much in terms of this, since there were plenty of bad players and some playing the game just for fun. Their followers would die every now and then. If they did not give them enough resurrection items to use, then this group of players' experience would become extremely negative. They might even leave all at once.

If that was the case, then all the effort would not be worth it.

Summoning followers were different. A player had to expend a Summoning Scroll or a Calling Card, as well as various materials to level them up, and only then would they show their value.

These items were more valuable than the normal resurrection items and harder to get. So, normal players could not simply just spend them all.

Most importantly, most players would immediately roll for characters as soon as they had a Summoning Scroll. They would give the materials that they earned to strengthen their mains as well. Few would save these resources until the end, so they did not have to worry about those kinds of problems…


"Time to focus on crossing the ocean!"

After he had dealt with all the miscellaneous things, Zhang Yun once again took out Oldman Haha's card. His plan did not change, it was still to make his own ship to cross the ocean.

But then, Zhang Yun suddenly saw a shadow rising from the horizon at this time. And it was quickly heading this way.

Zhang Yun, "?"


'Is that thing…

'Is it possible for there to be such a coincidence?'

He immediately put down Oldman Haha's Calling Card and carefully looked at the shadow that was slowly widening. At the same time, he activated his Legacy skill "Examine".

[Activating Legacy skill – Examine.]

[Warning! Due to the distance, only partial information is obtained.]

[Object Name: The Brandy]

[Type: Full-Rigged Ship]

[Rarity: ???]

[Summary: ???]


'It really is a ship?!'

Zhang Yun quickly walked to the side of the cliff and carefully looked at it twice. The system prompt was not wrong. The shadow that was quickly coming over was really a ship with a giant sail.

"Wow! God. A ship came over as soon as I defeated a boss. God, you sure you aren't setting up a tutorial stage for me?" Zhang Yun said jokingly as he threw Oldman Haha back into his inventory. He then looked around and searched for something that could be used to attract the attention of the people on the ship.

He had taken a look around and noticed that there were only a few trees that were growing here and there that could be used. He could use them to light up a fire and use them to send distress signals via the black smoke.

"Quickly, all of you Murlocs go and cut down some trees. Brother Mikoto, you should go too. Move the trees that had been cut down to the cliff," Zhang Yun ordered. "When all the logs had been brought here, Brother Mikoto and Fire Elemental, use your skills to light it up!"

"Alright…" Brother Mikoto answered and took out his weapon, and headed towards the furthest tree.

The other Murlocs had also gone into random groups and surrounded the trees in groups. They then cut down the thick trees with vigor.

Zhang Yun then turned around and continued to give out his commands, "Earth Elemental, use magic to create a giant chimney. There is no need to make it pretty, as long as you can put in all the logs and let the smoke fly further.

"Lightning Elemental, Ice Elemental, go down the cliff and head to the ship. Help me check what's happening on that ship.

"See if they're humans.

"Remember to be stealthy, and find corners to hide in. Don't let the creatures on the ship notice you."

Once they had received their commands, the elementals all spread out and began their work.

Zhang Yun was not standing idly as well. Since the ship was still quite far away and he himself was not in combat, he entered the Storage and saw if there were any items that he could use in this situation.

He scanned the Storage's index a few times, and looked at all the free items that were given when the server had just started, then looked at the materials for making Divine Artifacts that he has no use for the time being, and finally set his attention on the category for New Year items…


'I remember the events that had given us free fireworks…"

Zhang Yun looked carefully, and finally found the fireworks from the Storage where he kept all the New-Year Limited items. There were ten of them, corresponding to the ten years the game was available.

[Item Name: Fireworks (New-Year Limited)]

[Rarity: Five-Star]

[Skill: Unleash Fireworks.]

[Summary: Happy new year!]

"This is it, found it! Shoot it up into the sky and its explosion can be heard up to 10km! The people on the ship can definitely find me!"

Zhang Yun smiled and took out one of the fireworks, then exited the Storage.

He looked at his followers that were cutting down the trees and realized that they were quite quick. They managed to get so many logs over in such a short amount of time.

The Earth Elemental also did well. While it had only created an ugly, small chimney, it could allow the black smoke to go up far into the sky.

"Alright, double insurance. Steady, now."

As he said that, he looked at the ship that was getting closer and closer. He then turned over and continued to command the other Murlocs.

He would let the Murlocs throw all the logs under the chimney that the Earth Elemental had built. He then ordered the Fire Elemental and Brother Mikoto to prepare. He would need to first confirm the situation before lighting up the fire.

At this time, the ship was already very close. Its murky shadow had slowly been given form.

The two elementals that had floated over had arrived at the base of the ship and sneaked up via the ropes hanging by its side.

Zhang Yun immediately changed its vision and followed the sight of the Ice Elemental, and began to scan the ship.

He noticed that the ship looked like trading vessels from pirate movies. It had a white mast, ropes that were used to tie things, the helm for guiding the ship, the wooden deck and central deck… It looked very old, but it could also be said to be ordinary. The technology it represented did not look like it would belong to a world where monsters like the Twilight Wolf roamed.

And the living things on the ship were just as he had thought. It was a group of men with Western features. They had blonde hair, green eyes, and physically powerful builds. They looked like men that can fight toe-to-toe with theTwilight Wolf.

"Oh ho!


"It's all good, then!

"Brother Mikoto, Fire Elemental, light up the logs and let the smoke rise!

"We're leaving this place!"