The Sea Goddess’ Miracle

"Lightning Elemental, Chain Lightning!

"Ice Elemental, Ice Spike!

"Fire Elemental, Spitfire!"

Together with Zhang Yun's commands, the three elementals unleashed their new skills together. The magic created from the three elements pierced through the entire street, instantly killing several rows of magical beasts.

"Holy shit!

"This is the power of a Union Burst skill?

"Is this not a tad bit too powerful?"

The so-called Union Burst skill was when several of the followers from the same faction unleashed their small skills together, they would be able to fuse it into a more powerful fusion skill. However, not all followers from the same faction had this ability.

That was the first time he had seen the elementals use their "Union Burst" skill.

He did not expect that the elementals' Union Burst skill would be so powerful and immediately evaporate all the magical beasts within ten meters of them.

If he switched it to the Union Burst skill of several characters from the top-tier, he might be able to destroy half a city. Their power might rival that of a mini-nuke…

"Why do I feel like I have missed a lot of things in the past?


"No, stop it. Stop it. Only the path of the hoarder is the path of kings. Saving Diamonds is the will of heaven. I cannot use the Diamonds!

"Once I have obtained the title of the King of Hoarders, I can spend them on whatever I like, I can exchange them for any-top tiers I like, I can blow up whichever cities I like…

"But now, I must persevere!

"Victory comes with perseverance!


"Hoard them all!

"Now is not the time to unhoard!

One more time, Zhang Yun used his faith to defeat the evil that arose from his heart and suppressed his desire to roll for characters.

He took a deep breath and placed his attention back on the battlefield.

After the three elementals had fired their Union Burst skill, the wide street had been cleared. Only several magical beasts with high magic resistance barely survived as well as the magical beasts that were being shocked afar.

The Murlocs went forward and finished off the magical beasts that were not killed, then stared at the magical beasts that did not dare to approach them menacingly, as they waited for Zhang Yun's new orders.

"Brother Mikoto, go and slice them in half.

"Murlocs, follow up tightly and kill the remaining ones that didn't die.

"Elementals, stay by my side to recover your mana points (MP), wait for your skill's cooldown and the next round of Union Burst then clean the place up.

"I will buff all of you!



As soon as he had given his orders, every one of them rushed forward. The magical beasts that did not dare to advance were blocked by their companions and could not escape, so all they could do was to have a decisive battle and violently pounced towards Brother Mikoto and the others.

"Blazing Sword - Light of the Heart!"

"Blazing Sword - Destroy the Evil Spirit!'

The blazing katana slashed the earth with its high heat, and it pierced through the body of the first magical beast, cutting it in half.

Then, the blade did not stop and slashed through the second and third magical beasts.

The flames on the blade lit them up, and two damage numbers jumped out. They struggled, and then they were killed by the Murlocs who were following behind Brother Mikoto.

That was how Zhang Yun's party managed to reach the docks near the beach without meeting much resistance.

At this time, in a warehouse near the docks, "Boss, there are too many magical beasts! We will not be able to hold it for long!" Carter said with blood painted on his face with a sword in his hand, and there was a hill of magical beast corpses in front of him.

"The army is not here yet?" Robert said with a frown and looked behind him. There were frightened civilians.

"No… With such a large-scale magical beast horde, I do not think they will make it," Carter said with despair.

"Damn it! Boss! Let us just go all out! Let us go and fight with them till the last! Killing one is not a loss and killing more than that is a gain!"

"That is right! Those garbage! Even if I die! I will take two down with me!"

"Let them see the power of the men of the sea!"

"Quickly! Give me a weapon! I want to kill them too!"

"Give me one too!"

"I want one too!"

"To tell the truth, instead of waiting here for our deaths, we might still have a chance if we make our way towards the garrison. Perhaps, there is still a chance…"

At this time, many of Robert's followers and staff that had worked for him for many years all cried out together. They had fought with the seas for many years. If they were not afraid of death by the hands of the temperamental ocean, why would they be afraid of these hundreds of thousands of magical beasts?

But then, the civilians behind Robert did not have the decisiveness to fight to the death, and they all collectively begged, "My lord! Please, just endure for a little more longer! We beg you! Please hang on! We do not want to die!"

"Maybe the army is coming soon?"

"Maybe the magical beasts would retreat on their own?"

"If all of you are gone, all of us civilians that cannot fight will die! My lord!"


"My lord…"

Robert looked at them, and then sighed helplessly before asking, "Carter?"

Carter then replied, "Boss, Merlin is right. If we continue waiting here, we would all die eventually. But if we focus all our forces and use the alleyways, there might be a chance that some of us will make it."

Robert then turned and looked at those people, and asked Carter, "How much longer can we hold?"

Carter paused, and then said with a frown, "Five minutes at most. If the army is not here in 5 minutes, then we will have to break through."

Robert sighed and said, "Fine. Five minutes it is then. After that, do as you will."

Carter nodded and said, "Alright, boss."

With that, Carter looked at the pile of magical beast corpses. In some short seconds, a few powerful magical beasts climbed up the corpses from outside and into the warehouse.

"Lauren, take care of the one on the left. Ming, take care of the one on the right," Carter ordered as he took his sword, and rammed into the monster that was just jumping over, slicing its neck in half.

"Merlin, here comes another one. I will leave that to you!"

"Good job, Lauren! Go and help Ming!"

On the other side, Robert was praying with his hands clasped together, and prayed faithfully to the ocean, "Oh, great Goddess of the Sea, Siren. I am your faithful servant. I beg for you to appear now and listen to my prayer…

"I have followed your teachings all these years, helped those who have been lost at sea, given food to the poor, given a place to live for the homeless and spread your teachings and faith.

"Now, calamity descends, and many will lose their lives. I pray that you will keep your promise, show us a miracle, and save us from this…"


Robert had not even finished and a loud bang came from outside the warehouse. It was like the sound of thunder striking the earth, and it drowned all the chaotic roars from the magical beasts.


There was a long silence.

Then, the corpses of the magical beasts had been pushed over by a risen earth wall, showing all the corpses of the magical beasts outside, as well as the many sparks of fires scattered all around.

After a short while, a man entered from the door.

He had long hair that swayed with the wind. He held a katana that was drowned in flames. He was like a pyre in the darkness, and many could not help but look up to him.

Everyone that saw this moment was in so much shock that they could not speak.

Only Robert was full of excitement, his eyes widened, and yelled out, "This…

"Can it be…

"The Sea Goddess' miracle?!!"