Because Diamonds Are the World’s Best

"Zhang Yun, these cowmen, how did you summon them?"

"Eastern mysticism…"

"That is great! To think that the summoning from the East would have such an effect, to be able to summon such rare creatures!"


'You believed it?

'You actually believed it?

'Fine, it saved me from having to talk my way out of it since you believed it…'

Seeing that Carter and the others were not that surprised with the Bullheaded Big Brother Guardian's appearance, Zhang Yun sighed in relief. It looked like the information he gained from the Brandy was correct. As long as the Eidolons summoned were not too strange, they were all normal.

Unfortunately, Rolo Island did not have a library. So he still did not know about the acceptable limits to his summoning. Which type of creatures could never be summoned into this world… Skeletons? Ghosts? Or Demons?

Alright, he needed to quickly finish this dungeon, then head to the next city's library!

Zhang Yun was deep in thought, but no one noticed it. They all followed the plan that they made and led a large group of over a hundred people towards the heart of the city.

As Zhang Yun had just cleared a few streets worth of magical beasts to level up, there were not many magical beasts prowling the streets. It was still quite easy for them to clear up the streets, and the group's speed was advancing very quickly.

However, the magical beasts seemed to have very sensitive noses, and they had discovered a large group of targets here. They all appeared in droves and attacked them madly.

That caused the group's pressure to intensify. There were attackers in front, to the flanks, and to the rears. Normal civilians were not like the staff led by the obese boss and did not have courage as well as experience. They would be panicked as soon as something happened, and it was quite troublesome for them to be protected.

It was like saving a person drowning in a river. You could have clearly rescued him and dragged him up to shore. But because of fear, he kept on thrashing about, and in the end not only were you unable to save him, you yourself also drowned.

Luckily, Zhang Yun was not saving people by swimming. He was operating a speedboat. Even if the normal civilians were causing all kinds of trouble, he still managed to save them all.

Magical beasts rushing?

Murloc army, block them!

Unable to block them?

Ice Elemental, freeze them!

Unable to freeze them?

Earth Elemental, create a shield, and stop them!

Unable to stop them?

Bullheaded Big Brother, use your Soul Link to save his life!

That did not work too?

Damn it!

In the name of the Diamonds, to hell with it all!

Totem of Healing, go! Totem of Defense, go! Totem of Speed, increase everyone's speed! Totem of Slowness, decrease the enemies' speed!

What? Another group of magical beasts? Twice the amount of just now? What should I do?

Do not ask him. If you ask, the answer was going to be that Diamonds are the most important thing in the world and he could sacrifice any resources!


Tidal Murloc x30!

Ice Elemental x5!

Lightning Elemental x5!

Fire Elemental x5!

Experience Crystals, here you go! Goddess' Aqua, here you go! Everyone leveled up to level 20!

'If I couldn't get all 90 Diamonds, you can all go stand in the corner when we're done!'

With such a crazy use of resources, Zhang Yun had led the hundred over people out of the middle of the magical beast horde, and none of them had died. They did not even have many injuries.

At this time, they could already see the defensive barrier that had been erected by the garrison's wizards, and the sounds of fighting between the two armies as well as magical explosions.

Carter and the others also had learned something new about Zhang Yun.

That guy…

Is a bigshot…

The ultimate bigshot that mere mortals would never understand…

Look at what he did?

Summoning dozens of Eidolons without any pressure, and each of them was not weak at all. If they fight together, they could even fight against three times their number. Would normal, low-level summoners be able to summon so many Eidolons?

Additionally, all of those obviously valuable magical scrolls. They could heal, increase speed, reduce the hostile's speed, increase our defense… All these items would cost dozens of gold coins for each of them, and that meant that he had spent thousands of gold coins at once. That would be at least half the income from a lord's territory.

Plus, the items that he just took out from his pocket… The pocket was only so big, how could it have stored so many items? It was obvious that he had brought along valuable Spatial Items!

Not to mention the samurai Mikot that obeyed his every word. His personal fighting ability was more than equal to everyone else that was present. If he had joined the magical beast horde, he could have easily destroyed all hundred of them in less than 10 minutes…

When he thought of that, Carter could not hold it in anymore and asked Zhang Yun, "Zhang Yun, who are you? Not only are your abilities powerful, but you also had so many valuable magical scrolls?"

Zhang Yun turned and answered, "Me? Just a normal person, I guess? I am from a small mountain village from the East. I do not know a lot of things!

"Are those scrolls very valuable? I am not that sure. My uncle gave them to me, and said I should just take them out when I needed to use them…"

Carter felt that his heart was going to burst.


'You call yourself normal?

'Then, doesn't that make us insects that are less than normal?

'And your uncle, where did you get him? Can you introduce him to me? And give me some magical scrolls for free?'

Actually, Zhang Yun wanted to use the setting that Euden gave him and said that he was a young man that came from the Daxia Dynasty. And his status was slightly higher than commoners, and his abilities were only slightly stronger.

However, after giving it some thought, while Euden was not with Carter then, it did not mean that they would not meet each other again after this.

If he heard Carter and his men talk about this and Euden heard it, and thought about it. Why did that Easterner told me about his "uncle," but then told Carter about the "Daxia Dynasty?" Did he notice any of my secrets, and intentionally used "uncle" as a way to block the conversation so that I could not find out about his secrets?

Then, Euden might say, "Damn, I was disguising myself quite well too, but he still discovered my secrets. Seems like he is going to be a problem. I have to eliminate him…"

Afterward, Zhang Yun might become his target, and get into a load of troubles.

By that point, Zhang Yun had most probably left, and Euden probably would not think too much about it, but it was still quite dangerous for him to leave such a suspicion around.

Especially since Euden was not the sailors who he could easily see their information. He was a special existence with "?" all over him. Who knew what kind of terrifying origin he had? How careful he was? How deep he might think?

Therefore, he needed to make sure that everything he said was consistent. He had to use the same story he used on Euden on Carter, and he must not say anything that was different.

The highest point of a disguise was to tell everyone the same story, and do the same things and make them part of your habit. After a long while, even fiction would become true.

After using his uncle to clear up Carter's suspicion, Zhang Yun then changed the topic and said,

"Carter, the garrison should be up ahead. I guess they must be fighting the magical beast horde, and if we approach them from the front we might get accidentally injured."

"So, I think we should just make a detour and head towards somewhere where the battle isn't as intense, and converge with the garrison there.

"What do you think?"

Carter was fine with anything, "All up to you since you saved all our lives today, bigshot…"

Zhang Yun quickly said, "Hey, Carter. Do not say that. You and Mikoto saved our lives too. Without you, we might still be stuck on that island.

"What we did today was something that we should have done.

"You do not need to pay too much attention to it.

After hearing that, Carter gave him a bitter smile, "Zhang Yun, it was better if you didn't mention that. And since you mentioned it, I feel like I would become just like my boss.

"Maybe what happened today was really because the Sea Goddess had sent you here to save us…"