
Brother Mikoto instantly drew his katana. He took one step forward, then gracefully rushed towards the Follower of Archede.


The two faced off against each other as the blade and claws clashed together, emitting the screeching sound of two metallic objects crashing together.

Blazing Sword - Destroy the Evil Spirit!

Sonic Claw!


The two skills collided with each other and created a deafening, explosive sound. It even created a powerful sonic boom and swept all the surrounding magical beasts away.

"How is that… You…" The Follower of Archede took a step back, creating some distance between itself and Brother Mikoto. It then looked at the wound on its paw with disbelief.

'That blade?

'What weapon is that?

'Just the result from our clashes was enough to cut open my demon wolf skin?

'Does that not mean if I get slashed by it, I would…

"Hahaha, never expected it, did you? The winds of fortune have changed! Earlier, your companion had almost killed Brother Mikoto. Now, it is Brother Mikoto's chance to have his revenge!"

Zhang Yun was standing 20 meters away and laughed. He then summoned a few Cow Guardians and had them all use Soul Link.

With the damage all equally distributed and with the Bullheaded Big Brothers' Bash supporting him, let me see how you would beat up Brother Mikoto!

He waved his hand, "Hotblooded!"

[Prompt: Activated Legacy skill "Hotblooded," increasing Mikot's attack speed by 36%!]

"Brother Mikoto, Pyre, increase speed, and Valkaheim's Flame!"

[Prompt: Mikot had used the skill Blazing Sword – Light of the Heart. Increase his own Attack Speed by 20%!]

[Prompt: Mikot had used the skill Blazing Sword – Pyre. All attacks became fire elemental attacks. Increase power by 5%!]

[Prompt: Mikot had used the skill Valkaheim's Flame, next fire elemental skill damage increased by 20%!]

"Use Gale of Swords to attack it!"

[Prompt: Mikot had used "Gale of Swords." Due to the effects of Pyre, this skill became a Fire Elemental skill.]

[Prompt: Mikoto had triggered the weapon's passive "[Fire] Flame Potential - Attack +4%," increasing Attack by 4%... Currently, Attack has been increased by 8%.]

Bang! Bang! Bang! Boom!

Using the double skill's attack speed increase, Brother Mikot's Gale of Swords had become a terrible storm. He had continuously and violently struck at the Follower of Archede four times in one second.

"Ah!!!" Before the Follower of Archede could even react, it had received all four attacks. Its giant body was thrown back as red blood gushed out.

It covered its wounds as it crawled back up from the ground, and looked at Brother Mikoto malevolently, "You… Damn you… I will show you my true power!

"Limit break!!!"

Suddenly, a purple mist was emitted from the Follower of Archede's body. Its wounds were quickly healing and its aura became much more distinct.

Zhang Yun stared at it, "The second phase?

"I'm sorry, but we have seen that before. Next, you are going to spit out some poison and give yourself a buff, right?"

The Follower of Archede then cried out, "Mist of Plague!"

"No surprise there…" Zhang Yun shrugged with an expression of 'I knew it.' He then raised his hand, calling out the other member of the Elemental factions.

"Storm Elemental!

"Dispersal Storm! Blow! It! Away!"


Suddenly, a great storm swept through the land, and blew all the poison mist that the Follower of Archede was spitting out to the back.

The Follower of Archede was greatly shocked, "What? How did you? Impossible?!"

Zhang Yun said: "Why is it not possible? The Storm Elemental may be the weakest among the Elementals in terms of combat, and it also did not have the Earth Elemental's protective abilities. Normally, it would be mostly useless in terms of combat…

"However, when it encounters a poison mist like yours that can be blown away, it becomes the most powerful support specialist, specialized in removing all types of poison gases and miasma!"

The Follower of Archede gritted its teeth and asked, "Who… Who are all of you?"

Zhang Yun snapped his fingers, "There is no point in repeating the same question. But seeing that you are worth so much money, I will repeat that again. I am just a man trying to make a living…

"Alright, better not waste my breath. I will take all your 20 Diamonds!

"All Earth Elementals, bind him with five Earth Shields!

"Ice Elementals, follow me, use Frost Breath on it. If you all can freeze it, do so and slow its speed!

"Bullheaded Big Brother, get ready! Once its speed has been lowered, throw your weapons and use Bash on it! Try to daze it!

"Do not let it use 'Charge Up!

"Kill it!"

"You…" Before the Follower of Archede could even finish what he wanted to say, he was instantly surrounded by the Earth Shields that the Earth Elementals conjured. Then, the Ice Elementals fired their magic all together towards it, and their attack reached it as soon as the Follower of Archede used raw power to break the Earth Shields.

[Ice Elemental used the skill "Ice Breath", activating the "Frozen" effect… resisted, activating the "Slow" effect, reducing the Follower of Archede's movement speed by 40%, dealing 74 points of damage!]

Got it!

Instantly, the Follower of Archede's movement speed had slowed down.

Bash! The Cow Guardians all threw out the axes in their hands together. They flew out quickly and struck the Follower of Archede who had become slower.

Unfortunately, they were all very unlucky, and none of them had triggered the "Daze" effect.

It was fine, however. Due to the Follower of Archede's Slowed status and Brother Mikoto's speed buff not disappearing yet, it meant that Brother Mikoto's speed had already surpassed the Follower of Archede's speed.

As long as it did not use "Charge Up" or "Mistwalk" within the "Mist of Plague," Brother Mikoto could easily beat it up while it could not even touch Brother Mikoto.

Especially since he had high evasion…

Taking advantage of the moment, Brother Mikoto raised his katana and bolted over again, "Blazing Sword - Destroy the Evil Spirit!"


The flaming blade slashed the Follower of Archede's shoulder. Thanks to all the buffs to damage, that strike had taken away around 7,000 of the Follower of Archede's HP.

He did not stop and chained it with his other skills. Advancing Will of Swords, Slashing Thrust, Killing Slash… In a short instant, the Follower of Archede's HP had decreased sharply, leaving it only with one-third of its HP.

"Damn… Damn you… Charge Up!" The Follower of Archede endured the pain from its wounds and used its own speed-boosting skill.

Following that, it roared out angrily, "I will kill you one strike!

"Star Rush!!!"

Zhang Yun, "Star? What Star? Lucky Star? I feel very lucky too! That is because I am going to get all the Diamonds now!

"Brother Mikoto...

"End it!"

"Yes… Immediately…" Brother Mikoto was focused on the battle and dodged the Follower of Archede's punches with a few side steps. Then, he stomped on the ground and jumped up high, and reached the Follower of Archede's back.

He raised his katana and said, "It ends here!

"Blazing Sword - Destroy the Evil Spirit!"

Instantly, a sword of fire fell from the heavens above and plunged into the back of the Follower of Archede like divine punishment.

Then, a bloody red five-digits worth of damage jumped out, and the Follower of Archede's HP bar had been completely emptied.

[Prompt. The Follower of Archede was defeated!]

'Done and done!


And then, Zhang Yun turned his head around and looked at all the magical beasts swarming in.

"Oh… we are not done yet…

"About that, do what you will, everyone! Clear up the remaining fodder too!

"I need to take a break…"

With that Zhang Yun took out the bottle of water from his inventory and chugged it down.