Chapter 186: New Payment Method


In a common business vehicle in the Bronx District of New York,

El was smoking a joint while fiddling with a Nokia phone.

Since the singer he followed had shot "New York Pride" 2Pac in Los Angeles, his chances of becoming famous had been completely severed.

When El returned to New York, he was astonished to find that the Asian thief had actually become a bestselling author!

So, out of desperation, he planned to find Wang Jian and become his lackey or something.

Even though bestselling authors don't have a crowd of star friends as singers and athletes do,

he had taken him in when he was performing community service, after all.


Even if the rent was a bit pricier than other places.

But in the Bronx District, taking in an Asian carried certain risks.

As for the later shooting incident, blaming it on Wang Jian,

come on, he was just a lackey!

Without any real right to speak!