Bros, Let’s Chat in the Toilet

Clap clap.

Everyone applauded.

Jun Mengliang acted as if nothing happened. He walked into the crowd and looked up at the statue.

"Although I'm lost in my ways, I know one thing. Your truths…are wrong!"

His soft voice was as loud as bombs in the ears of everyone.


The Demonic Man frowned and looked extremely menacing. He yelled angrily, "He's a lunatic, toss him out!"


Meng Junliang activated his powers so that no one could approach him. Everyone looked over and felt a powerful aura surrounding the scholar.

It made him look unreal. He was standing there but it felt like he existed in a superior dimension.

"This... This is…" That elder widened his eyes. "Insights shielding the body from all forces of evil? The Chosen One?"

"Die!" The Demonic Man targeted Meng Junliang as endless dark energy surrounded him with the wave of a hand.