The Thoughtful Qin Manyun.

In the ancestral hall, they fell silent for a long time.

After pausing for a moment, Qin Manyun asked weakly, "Teacher, is Mistress…gone?"

Yao Mengji looked around and said, "She should be gone now."

"Sect Master, I mean no offense but our Mistress is…" Zhou Dacheng said in a low voice filled with suspicion, "...she stole from us!"

Another long silence…

The Big Elder said, "Dacheng's right!"

"So bad!"

"We're so unlucky to have such an ancestor!"

"Life's already hard enough. Now it's even harder!"

"Look outside. The disciples still look excited. They think our ancestor's very powerful! They want to worship her!"

"Sigh, a bunch of ignorant people."

"Alright, stop talking," Yao Mengji said. 

"Knowing my ancestor, if she had anything of value, she would've flaunted it to us right away. It's apparent that she's not doing so well herself in the Immortal Land. Let's not talk about it. Life's hard enough."