Man Can Conquer Nature

Li Nianfan said calmly, "I'll tell you now, mark down my words."

Without any delay, Meng Junliang took out his paper and pen, looking focused. 

Li Nianfan's voice was slow and steady as he recited the usages of each herb. As there were too many herbs around, he only picked the more common and important herbs to talk about. He could speak of the rest in the future. 

Even so, he had already spoken for half an hour before stopping for a break.

Meng Junliang and Zho Yunwu looked delighted! They looked at the written words as if looking at the most precious treasure in the world.

Even if there was a chance for them to be Immortalized, they would not exchange this moment for that. They had attained a long list of usages that could affect hundreds of thousands of ordinary men. This would be their survival guide!

Not only that, even Yao Mengji and Qin Manyun could feel the importance of this list.