The Expert Wants to Ride Me?

All jokes aside...

When it was time to escape, they looked nervous.

They were all old Immortal men. Being naked meant their reputations were on the line. They could not afford to have any cringe-worthy moments in history.

They quickly cast cloud spells to shield themselves when they exited the back hall. They also did not forget to look as calm and collected as experts, like they were Immortals in the clouds.

They cast a spell to regrow their hair and beards.

In an instant, they went from bald old men to cool old men.

Payne quickly flew toward Ding Xiaozhu and smiled. "Bamboo, thanks."

Ding Xiaozhu was sweating. She said, "The fire's getting stronger. I won't be able to hold it much longer."

The painting scroll was completely unscrolled.

Suddenly, the golden flames emerged and it was getting excruciatingly hot.

The mountains and land nearby started to melt. The trees that were far away instantly dried up, too!