Dark Forces

The dead mosquito peacefully fell to the ground.

The Fire Phoenix and Daji were baffled at that mosquito.

The mosquito was not ordinary. It was a figure—hard to notice because of its stealthy powers. Plus, they were too distracted and shocked by Li Nianfan, so they did not notice it at first.

When they finally noticed it, it was too late. They could not attack it while it was on Li Nianfan.

They looked at the dead mosquito and their eyes widened.


The mosquito was dead as expected, but… It was not just the figure that had been destroyed—it was the real person!

That was too scary!

Figure incarnation was a skill of high-level cultivators. The mosquito was one of the figures, which meant the cultivator was probably gifted and could produce a lot more figures. As long as one of the figures was still alive, they would never be dead.