Siege. Signs of a Breakthrough!

If anything happened to Nanan…


The Holy Emperor shivered all over. His body had stiffened up. He did not dare think further. 

So terrifying!

He was unable to care about anything else. He accompanied Li Nianfan without being present. All he wanted to do was to get out of there.

Since his mood was affected by the others as well, Li Nianfan walked for another ten minutes before feeling rather mood-less. He decided to head back.

The Holy Emperor politely sent Li Nianfan back. He then jumped and instantly, he turned to leave.

Big deal! Very big deal!

"Brother Mengji! Brother Mengji!" he pestered as he went to Yao Mengji's door. He was drenched in a cold sweat.

Knock! Knock! Knock! 

"Brother Mengji, open the door!"

"What? What is it?" Yao Mengji could feel that the Holy Emperor was anxious. He did not delay and instantly answered the door.