Old Locust Tree Demon, My Contentment

Everyone except Li Nianfan frowned at the same time when they walked out of the Ganlong Immortal Dynasty.

Gu Xirou said, "There's a Demon in front of us!"

Taoist Xinghe said, "Seems to be in the Fallen Town. The Demon isn't weak."

It seemed to be very strong since Taoist Xinghe said it was not weak.

Li Nianfan hurriedly said, "There are a lot of civilians in the Fallen Town. Can I please trouble you all to check it out?"

He had a lot of sentiments for the Fallen Town. Most importantly, there were a lot of ordinary folks in there. Nanan was there, too. He would naturally be worried.

Ziye hurriedly said, "Don't worry, Mr. Li. We've got this!"

They would be demented if they did not seize the opportunity to impress the expert.

Gu Xirou could not wait. She stepped on some clouds and started to fly. "Mr. Li, we'll head over first."

The others quickly followed. "Same."

Soon, they flew far away.