Tears From Heartache, Death Note

"Such a great plan, such a powerful strategy!"

Meng Po sighed. Even at her level, she was very astounded.

She knew far better than others. She had a greater vision.

In eldritch eras, why would Saints create religions? Why would she sacrifice mortality to work for reincarnation? What was it all for except to gain Deluxe Merit?

If the Underworld set up the City Castle. The terrifying impression of the Underworld would be changed.

People were used to be afraid of the Underworld. They were scared of the Onis.

Once the City Castile was built, they would be able to be more in touch with the ordinary people. Ordinary people would like them better. They could gain Deluxe Merit at the same time! 



'Multiple benefits that could change the whole scenario!'

Too bad the Underworld had ended up badly. If they knew about the plan earlier, they would not be so helpless after the big tribulation.