The Heavenly Spirits, Irritating Mosquitos

The Empress's voice was very resonant and it echoed throughout the entire space. Adding on to the galaxy forming in the sky, it gave the mortals a very overwhelming feeling.

During this time, after being influenced by so many stories of the Heavenly Palace, everyone was starting to believe in the existence of the Heavenly Palace. At this moment, such an incident that took place in the form of a storytelling scene was embroidered deep in the hearts of the crowd.

Naturally, that was one of the considerations that Li Nianfan took.

'If both the Jade Emperor and Empress were to just stand up and reveal their identities flat out, I don't think anyone would buy it. Taking into account the Heavenly laws, the characters, and the stories that make up this incident will be much more persuasive. Besides, humans are naturally more inclined to such gossip and will rather choose to believe this incident is genuine.'
