Sit Back And Watch; Pocket All Gains

"Old tortoise, open your mouth!"

Li Nianfan picked up another peach and tossed it in its mouth.

The peach was not small but to the old tortoise, it was like candy. It swallowed it in one go and nodded at Li Nianfan. After that, it gradually closed its eyes languidly again.

"Right, don't toss away your seeds. I want to try to grow a few more of this tree." Li Nianfan looked at the tree and shook his head. "The peaches here aren't enough for us to eat."

Nanan and Dragin nodded. "Yes, Brother!"

Li Nianfan smiled. He said, "The peaches from this tree are not only yummy, it's also a nice view. I need to think about how I'm going to plant it.

"Time to work again!"

Following that, Farmer Li Nianfan got to work. Dragin and Nanan helped him as he started plowing the soil to make space for the new trees

Time passed like water. Three days had passed. 

Southern Sea.