'Classic of Mountains and Seas', 'The Taste Of Creatures' Meat'

'Deluxe Merit, here comes a huge amount of Deluxe Merit!'


Deified Dog barked from excitement. He instantly took out the dog bowl to catch the Deluxe Merit.

Yang Jing took out a whip. The name of the whip was Ganshan Whip.

That was the second time Deified Dog got rewarded with Deluxe Merit. Deified Dog naturally felt excited. He felt like he was about to be a successful dog.

His Three-Pointed Double-Edged Blade was formed from a three-headed eel so he could not use it like a normal Immortal Item.

Yang Jing had a mix of emotions after receiving a huge load of Deluxe Merit. He felt like he did not deserve it.

It was his first visit and he had a breakthrough by listening to music. He became a Quasi-Saint and got rewarded with Deluxe Merit. 'This...this… What did I do to deserve this? I'm sweating so hard.

'I've never been so shameless when receiving blessings before.'

He was too embarrassed to even breathe the air!