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Li Nianfan took a bite of the plum. The sweet and sour liquid flowed down his throat. Although it was just a small bite, it was like drinking a small sip of water, very satisfying. 

Furthermore, this sweet and sour taste triggered his tastebuds. It was indeed a very memorable experience.

The texture was good, the taste was unique.

"To be fair, the plums taste…yummy!"


Li Nianfan took another bite.

By the end, only a dragon eye-sized seed was left. The seed was brown with a glowing and smooth surface. It looked good.

"Keeping the seed to plant a few more trees!"

Li Nianfan felt better about parting after eating this.

Following that, he picked more fruits before walking out from the backyard.

By the gate of the four-part architecture, Li Nianfan reminded them, "Daji, if you face any challenges, don't force it, okay? Safety first."

Daji nodded.