It’s Like Hitting A Jackpot To Stay Around Lord Saint

Li Nianfan looked at the crowd and could not help shaking his head. This was the power of knowledge!

The murderer lost at not having knowledge!

Without a doubt, someone tried to frame this Bull Demon. Someone killed Master Gao and blamed it on the bull! Unfortunately, there was a miscalculation.

He could not distinguish a male bull from a female bull.

Gao Yue was excited. She said, "Boo, you really didn't kill my father?"


Li Nianfan's lips twitched. What an appropriate name. 

Was this the human and demon version of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl?

Boo was pleased. It said, "Yue, I certainly did not!"

Seeing that Gao Yue was about to walk toward Boo, the flirtatious young man by the side had a glint in his eyes. He pulled on her and said, "Yue, this thing's tricky. We still can't trust this demon!"