Why Are You Glistening? Blackie Wants to Slice the Land

At the four-part architecture.

Goddess Nuwa and Yun Shu left. Li Nianfan looked at Daji and Fire Phoenix. He smiled and asked, "You two really decided to stay?"

They were both cultivators. Yet, they were willing to stay in one place to live a peaceful life.

Daji nodded and said, "We're not leaving. We pretty much dealt with everything in the Eldritch World. Little Fox is the Demon King now."

She was not ambitious. She only wanted to provide a peaceful and cozy environment for her Master. She had achieved that, so she was more than happy to stay by her Master's side.

Fire Phoenix said, "I don't want to worry about the world. A simple life is quite nice."

"The little fox is the Demon King?"

Li Nianfan pictured the little fox ordering and ruling the Demons. It was hilarious.

'The Demons are doomed. It's too obvious that she relied on her sister.'

"It's naturally the best since you want to stay."